Razvoj soglasnikov v slovenskogoriškem narečju

Autor: Koletnik, Mihaela
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Jezik in slovstvo
Popis: While the development of vowels in the Eastern Slovenske gorice subdialect differs from the Western one in preserving quantitative oppositions, the consonant system shows no significant differences. It contains the sonorants l, r, m, n, j, j, v (with the allophonic variants f and u) and the non-sonorants p, t, k, s, š, b, d, g, z, ž, č, f, c, x, thus differing from the standard literary system only in the development of a few individual sounds. The Proto-Slavonic t, l and l' merged into the central l. L before consonants also became l. The final -t is in the Eastern Slovenske gorice subdialect and the Ščavnica speech pronounced ul-ja in stressed syllables ('da:U, ko'si:ja) and -a:'nesa in other positions, while in the Western Slovenske gorice subdialect it is pronounced -ul-o in stressed syllables (vi'či:u, za'če:o), and -o in unstressed syllables ('di:elo). R does not differ from treatment in the standard literary language. R-r n-r ('ma:ntra) and r-r j-r ("fa:jmošter), the clusters črě- and žrě. The final -m -n (:'xodin, m-n m-l ('gü:mla); p-m p-n ('fi:špan/'fü:špan); m-n v-n ('vie:nda/'venda 'menda'). The analogic n: b'ri:emen, 'semen; rhynism: 'me:isnc, 'pa:jank. N´lost its palatal quality and became n ('ku:ostan), while in the initial position and between two consonants it lost its nasal quality and became the nasalized liquid j ('jiva, s'vi:ja). V is v, and before voiceless non-sonorants and pauses it is f. V-m l-m: ('la:mo); metathesis in clusters umi-, ubi-('mu:jti, 'bu;jti). J appears also as a newly formed transitional sound. The non-sonorant system is the same as in the standard literary language. Voiced non-sonorants become voiceless in wordfinal position before a pause and in front of voiceless non-sonorants. Pt f(f'tič). The primary cluster dl- l ('vi:lce, 'vile). Tl, dl l (c'vie;la, fk'rala). Tl-dl kl-gl (g'le:itva, k'lačti); dn gn: g'na:r; g'nes. Xč šč/č (š'če:rka/'če:rka); in the Eastern Slovenske gorice subdialect xt st/št (s'te:ila/š'te:ila 'xotela) and the analogic -k -('du:kši). Sk šk (šk'rija, š'ku:orja), šč š (k'le:iše), z in front of j n' ž (ž'jive, ž'jo:u). In the Eastern Slovenjske gorice subdialect k ('ve:kši). F changes into v; it appears already in older and younger adopted words: b'ri:tof, 'cu:fali, 'fa:jn,'fa:rba
Databáze: OpenAIRE