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In the presented paper, perceptions of science amongst the youth were investigated. 470 high school students (younger students) and 825 university students (older students) completed questionnaire. These questionnaires tapped into the attitudes towards science, perception of contribution of scientific disciplines to social prosperity and science-related behaviour. Four groups (types) with distinct perceptions of science were found in younger students, which were defined according to the prevailing belief expressed in the attitudes, social perception of science, and related behavior: "Science is beneficial for the society", "Development of technology and medicine is important due to its usefulness/applicability", "Science is not important", and "Science is not appreciated in society". Amongst older students, four groups were found also. Three were content related to the first three of the younger students, whereas the fourth was expressed in the belief: "Science has its place in society". A comparison of types between the two samples showed that twice as many younger students than older ones demonstrated a high respect for science. The share of students that do not appreciate science is similar in both samples. Also an equal share of younger and older students favour applied science. Science is not important occurred twice as much amongst older students than younger. In younger students, the perceptions of science were related to the program of uppersecondary school, SES and gender. They were related to the field of study in older students. V prispevku predstavljamo raziskavo odnosa do znanosti med mladimi, ki smo ga preučevali kot del njihovih socialnih predstav znanja. 470 dijakov in 825 študentov je odgovorilo na vprašalnik, v katerem smo ugotavljali stališča do znanosti, zaznavanje prispevka posameznih znanstvenih ved k družbeni blaginji (t. i. socialne zaznave znanosti) ter vedenja, usmerjena k znanosti. Med dijaki smo identificirali štiri različne tipe odnosa do znanosti, ki smo jih opredelili glede na prevladujoče izraženo prepričanje v njihovih stališčih, zaznavah in vedenju do znanosti: "Znanost je družbeno koristna", "Pomemben je razvoj tehnologije in medicine, zaradi njune uporabnosti", "Znanost ni pomembna" in "Znanost v družbi ni cenjena". Tudi med študenti so se pokazali štirje medsebojno različni tipi odnosa do znanosti; trije so vsebinsko podobni prvim trem navedenim tipom odnosa do znanosti pri dijakih, četrti tip pa se izraža v prepričanju: Znanost ima svoje mesto v družbi . Primerjava tipov pri dijakih in študentih kaže, da dvakrat več dijakov kot študentov izraža visoko spoštovanje znanosti. Enak odstotek dijakov in študentov pa znanosti ne ceni. Tudi naklonjenost uporabni znanosti je enako prisotna med dijaki in študenti. Dvakrat več študentom kot dijakom se znanost ne zdi pomembna. Odnos dijakov do znanosti je povezan s programom srednješolskega izobraževanja, spolom in socialno-ekonomskim položajem družine. Pri študentih se odnos do znanosti povezuje le s smerjo študija. |