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In Mexico, rural to urban migration is a clearly noticeable phenomenon. During the last few years, there has been spontaneous growth in the migration of indigenous people towards the northern cities of Mexico, especially to Monterrey, in search of employment. Once the migrants arrive in this metropolis, they face difficulties adjusting and adapting to the city environment because of hidden discrimination. The main argument and hypothesis of this paper is that indigenous people isolate themselves and segregate themselves socially due to fear of (cultural and racial) discrimination and violence. For this study, data were obtained from field workcarried out during 2009 and 2010 in Monterrey, Mexico, where we interviewed 350 indigenous people that had moved there from different parts ofthe country. Značilen pojav, ki ga lahko opazimo v Mehiki, je ruralno urbana migracija oziroma preseljevanje ljudi s podeželja v mesta. Zadnjih nekaj let se stopnja preseljevanja avtohtonih prebivalcev v mesta na severu Mehike, še zlasti v Monterrey, kjer iščejo zaposlitev, nenadzorovano veča. Ko migranti prispejo v to velemesto, imajo zaradi prikrite diskriminacije težave s prilagajanjem mestnemu okolju. Glavni argument in hipoteza tega članka je, da se ti ljudje sami družbeno izolirajo in segregirajo, ker se bojijo (kulturne in rasne) diskriminacije in nasilja. Podatke za to študijo smo zbrali s pomočjo terenske raziskave, za katero smo leta 2009 in 2010 v Monterreyu intervjuvali 350 avtohtonih prebivalcev, ki so se tja priselili iz različnih krajev v Mehiki. |