Rehabilitacija bolnikov po prebolelem sindromu Guillain-Barré: Rehabilitation of patients after Guillain-Barré syndrome

Autor: Novak, Primož, Šmid, Sonja, Vidmar, Gaj
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Rehabilitacija (Ljubljana)
Popis: Background: Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculopathy that can cause severe impairments of many body structures and functions with consequent activities and participation limitations. The aim of our study was to assess rehabilitation outcome in these patients. Methods: Forty-five patients (20 women, 25 men) with Guillain- Barre syndrome who had completed primary rehabilitation between 2008 and 2011 at the University Rehabilitation Institute in Ljubljana were included in this retrospective study. We collected data on age, gender, duration of the rehabilitation and time from occurrence of the first symptoms of the disease to admission to inpatient rehabilitation. Manual muscle testing was used for assessment of limb function. Activities and participation were assessed using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and two walking tests (6-minute and 10-metre). Assessment was performed at admission and at discharge. Results: The mean age at admission was 58 years. On average, patients were admitted to inpatient rehabilitation 63 days (range from 20 to 210 days) after occurrence of the first symptom of the disease. The duration of rehabilitation was approximately 7 weeks. Regarding all observed variables, clinically important and statistically significant improvements were achieved (p < 0.001). At admission and at discharge medium to high statistically significant correlations between all the measures were observed (p < 0.01). Patients with a higher FIM score and better muscle strength were walking faster and walked a longer distance during the 6-minute walking test. Conclusion: Multidisciplinary care for GBS patients is effective. During relatively short inpatient rehabilitation, clinically important and statistically significant improvements regarding body functions, activities and participations are achieved. Izhodišča: Akutna vnetna demielinizacijska polinevropatija ali sindrom Guillain-Barré (GBS) je bolezen, ki lahko povzroči hude okvare številnih telesnih funkcij in zgradb ter pomembno vpliva na dejavnosti in sodelovanje bolnikov. Z raziskavo smo želeli oceniti izid primarne rehabilitacije teh bolnikov. Metode: V retrospektivno raziskavo smo vključili 45 bolnikov (20 žensk, 25 moških) z GBS, ki so v letih 2008 - 2011 opravili primarno rehabilitacijo na Univerzitetnem rehabilitacijskem inštitutu RS - Soča (URI-Soča). Zbrali smo podatke o starosti bolnikov, spolu, trajanju hospitalizacije in času od pojava prvih simptomov GBS do sprejema na bolnišnično rehabilitacijo. Za oceno funkcije spodnjih udov smo uporabili ročni mišični test; dejavnosti in sodelovanje smo ocenili s pomočjo Lestvice funkcijske neodvisnosti (Functional Independence Measure - FIM) in dveh testov hoje. Testiranje smo opravili ob sprejemu in odpustu. Rezultati: Povprečna starost bolnikov ob sprejemu je bila 58 let. Na rehabilitacijo so bili sprejeti v povprečju v 63 dneh od pojava prvih simptomov (razpon od 20 do 210 dni). Rehabilitacija je v povprečju trajala 7 tednov, bolniki so dosegli klinično pomembno in statistično značilno izboljšanje pri vseh opazovanih spremenljivkah (p < 0,001). Vse opazovane mere so tako ob sprejemu kot ob odpustu statistično značilno korelirale med seboj (p < 0,01), povezave so bile srednje do zelo visoke. Bolniki z boljšo oceno FIM in večjo mišično močjo so v splošnem hodili hitreje in pri šest-minutnem testu prehodili daljšo razdaljo. Zaključek: Multidisciplinarna obravnava bolnikov z GBS je učinkovita. Bolniki v relativno kratkem času dosežejo klinično pomembna in statistično značilna izboljšanja tako na področju telesnih funkcij kot dejavnosti in sodelovanja.
Databáze: OpenAIRE