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Background. The aim of study was to establish the incidence of sepsis, as wellas to identify the causes and source of infection in patients treated at the Department of Infectious Diseases and Febrile Conditions of General Hospital Celje in the years 2000-2003. Patients and methods. By means of a retrospective research we reviewed medical records of 7,260 patients who were hospitalized in our ward in the years 2000-2003. The retrospective study revealed that 816 (11.2%) out of 7,260 patients admitted in the period 2000-2003 met the criteria for the diagnosis of sepsis. Our definition of patients with sepsis was based on additional and stricter criteria than those reported in the literature. Results. The source of sepsis was known in all 816patients included in the study, the causative agent was proved in 460 (56.4%) of them. Of the later, only in 70 (8.6%) patients it was isolated fromhemoculture, while in the remaining 390 (47.8%) patients the causative agent was isolated from other infectious cultures. In patients with known cause of infection (460 persons), gram-negative bacteria were prevailing (332 patients, 72.2%). Considering only blood isolates (70 patients), the prevalence of gram-negative bacterial infections is less obvious, i. e. 38 cases (54.3%). Conclusions. According to our relatively strict definition, at least one tenth of all admissions to our department are attributable to sepsis, while in the period 2000-2003, only 102 out of 816 cases of sepsis detected in our study were reported to the Epidemiological Service, which was hardly a bit more than one percent (1.4%). In the same period, only 15 additional patients with sepsis (altogether 117) were reported to the Epidemiological Service of R Slovenia from Celje health region (with approximately 220.000 population, which clearly indicates that the detection, reporting and registration of patients with sepsis is insufficient. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters). Izhodišča. Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti incidenco sepse, njene povzročitelje in izvor okužbe pri bolnikih, ki so se v l. 2000-2003 zdravili na Oddelku za infekcijske bolezni in vročinska stanja Splošne bolnišnice v Celju. Bolniki in metode. Z retrospektivno raziskavo smo proučili zdravstveno dokumentacijo 7260 bolnikov, ki so se v l. 2000-2003 bolnišnično zdravili na našem oddelku. Od 7260 sprejetih bolnikov v l. 2000-2003 smo z retrospektivno raziskavo ugotovili, da jih 816 (11,2%) izpolnjuje merila za diagnozo sepsa. Pri opredeljevanju bolnikov s sepso smo upoštevali dodatna in strožja merila, kot jih navaja literatura. Rezultati. Izvor sepse (žarišče) smo prepoznali privseh 816 uvrščenih bolnikih, povzročitelja pa smo dokazali pri 460 (56,4%),od tega le pri 70 (8,6%) bolnikih iz hemokulture, iz drugih kužnin pa pri 390 (47,8%). Pri bolnikih s prepoznanim povzročite jem (460 oseb) so prevladovale po Gramu negativne bakterije (332 bolnikov, tj. 72,2%). Če upoštevamo le osamitve iz krvi (70 oseb), je prevladovanje po Gramu negativnihbakterij manj izrazito, tj. v 38 primerih (54,3 %). (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih). |