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The analysis studies carcass mass and antler mass of 1.706 animals which were harvested in the Brdo hunting ground in the period 1990-2004. During this period carcass masses were changing, i.e. prevailingly decreasing, most significantly until 1995. The age dynamics of carcass mass in males and females is very similar. It reaches its culmination at seven years of age in males and at eight years in females. Besides age dependence, carcass mass alsodepends significantly on the month of harvest. From fall to winter the carcass mass of calves increases, while the carcass mass of one-year old animals does not vary significantly. In the period from September to December the carcass mass of two-year old males increases. In three-year old males we did not detect any dependence of carcass mass on the month of harvest; in the same period the carcass mass of adult males decreases. Carcass mass of females, in particular adult ones, increases in the fall to winter period. In the fall to winter period carcass masses that differ the least are those in two and three year old animals of both sexes. Differences in carcass mass between the sexes are the highest in the class of adult animals. During the winter period differences in carcass mass between the sexes are smaller compared to differences in the fall period. Antler mass depends on carcass mass and age. Culmination of antler mass sets in at eleven years of age. Highest absolute and relative values of antler mass are reached in adult males. Analiza obravnava telesno maso in maso rogovja 1.706 uplenjenih živali v lovišču Brdo pri Kranju v obdobju 1990-2004. V navedenem obdobju so se telesnemase spreminjale, večinoma so se zmanjševale, najizraziteje do leta 1995. Starostna dinamika telesnih mas je pri samcih in samicah zelo podobna. Kulminacija je dosežena pri samcih pri sedmih letih in pri samicah pri osmih letih starosti. Poleg od starosti je značilna tudi odvisnost telesne mase od meseca uplenitve. Med jesenjo in zimo telesne mase telet naraščajo, telesne mase enoletnih živali pa se pomembneje ne spreminjajo. V obdobju od septembra do decembra telesne mase dveletnih samcev naraščajo, pri triletnih odvisnosti od meseca odstrela nismo odkrili, medtem ko telesne mase odraslih samcev upadajo. Telesne mase samic, predvsem odraslih, v jesensko zimskem obdobju naraščajo. Med jesenskim in zimskim obdobjem se telesne mase najmanj razlikujejo pri dveletnih in triletnih živalih obeh spolov. Razlike v telesnihmasah med spoloma so največje v razredu odraslih živali. V zimskem obdobju so razlike v telesnih masah med spoloma manjše kot v jesenskem obdobju. Masa rogovja je odvisna od telesne mase in starosti. Kulminacija maserogovja nastopi pri 11. letih starosti. Največje absolutne in relativne vrednosti mase rogovja dosegajo odrasli samci. |