Spremljanje gozdarskih delavcev z vidika medicine dela

Autor: Gazvoda, Tatjana Marija
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Gozdarski vestnik
Popis: The article present the health of workers, the Health Care and Labour Protection Act, the harmful effects of the work environment, the significanceof liability assessment and health evaluation and tasks of the authorized GP. The work environment of foresters and threats to them are presented. The health evaluation of foresters has been made on the basis of ananalysis upon the completion of preventive health check-ups in the period from 1995 to 2004. Medical supervision in a company with the intention of taking certain measures is not prescribed, therefore the chaotic state can be overcome with a health care prevention plan for foresters. The plan is adoptedby the employer and becomes compulsory. V prispevku je predstavljeno zdravje delavcev, Zakon o varnosti in zdravju pridelu, pomen ocene tveganja in zdravstvene ocene delovnega mesta ter naloge pooblaščenega zdravnika. Opisano je delovno okolje in ogroženost gozdarskih delavcev. Ker medicinski nadzor v podjetju z namenom ukrepanja ni predpisan, je mogoče kaotično stanje premostiti z načrtom zdravstvene preventive gozdarskih delavcev. Načrt slednje sprejme delodajalec. Ocena zdravstvenega stanja gozdarskih delavcev je podana na podlagi analize preventivnih zdravstvenih pregledov v obdobju od leta 1995 do 2004.
Databáze: OpenAIRE