Lasersko varjenje kontaktov okova žarnice E27: Laser welding of E27 lamp-holder contacts

Autor: Babnik, Aleš, Juvan, Matej, Možina, Janez
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Materiali in tehnologije
Popis: The manufacturing of lamp holders has been made more economic with the remodelling of holder contacts and the introduction of low-strength basic material in the production process. We achieved the desired compactness/solidity of the contacts with additional welding of the twisted part junction. Only methods with precise localization of the weld, simple automation of the process and no additional product remodelling are useful. Welding with a Nd-YAG laser source is one such method.We developed a low-cost system for laser welding of E27 lamp-holder contacts. The system construction enables a direct upgrade of the existing production line. In the present article we deal with the development of the system and the results of the test operation. Z uvedbo postopka preoblikovanja kontaktov okova žarnice in uporabo mehkega vhodnega materiala se zelo poceni izdelava tega artikla. Za dosego zahtevane trdnosti kontaktov je treba spoj dodatno utrditi z varjenjem. Uporabni so postopki, ki omogoeajo dobro lokalizacijo zvara in enostavno avtomatizacijo procesa ter ne povzroeajo ne elenega dodatnega preoblikovanja izdelka. Varjenje s pulznim laserskim izvorom Nd-YAG je eden od postopkov, ki zadošea tem zahtevam.Razvili smo cenovno ugoden sistem za lasersko varjenje kontaktov okova žarnice E27, katerega konstrukcija omogoea enostavno nadgradnjo v obstojeeo proizvajaleevo montažno linijo. V prispevku obravnavamo razvoj sistema in rezultate poizkusnega obratovanja.
Databáze: OpenAIRE