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The cornerstone for the Islamic Cultural Centre in Ljubljana: realization of 44 years long dreams On Saturday, 14 September 2013, the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Islamic Cultural Centre in Ljubljana was held at the site of the future mosque. For Muslims in Slovenia, the event represented a historical turning point and a momentous step forward. The article provides a historical overview of the initiative and development of the entire background story that has taken 44 years to evolve. It further presents the facilities of the Islamic Cultural Centre and gives a short description of the foundation stone laying ceremony. V soboto, 14. septembra 2013 je na zemljišču za izgradnjo džamije v Ljubljani, potekala slovesnost ob pologanju temeljnega kamna za Islamski kulturni center v Ljubljani. Za muslimane v Sloveniji je dogodek predstavljal zgodovinsko prelomnico in usoden korak naprej v celotni zgodbi. Članek predstavi zgodovinski pogled inciative in razvoja celotne zgodbe, dolge 44 let. Nadalje predstavi oziroma opiše objek/te Islamskega kulturnega centra in poda kratko informacijo o poteku slovesnosti ob polaganju temeljenga kamna. |