Model antimicrobial polymer system based on poly(vinyl chloride) and crystal violet: Model protimikrobnega polimernega sistema na osnovi polivinilklorida in kristal violeta

Autor: Bažant, Pavel, Jedličková, Kristýna, Klofáč, Jiří, Kuřitka, Ivo, Sedlák, Jakub
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Materiali in tehnologije
Popis: The development of novel antimicrobial materials for biomedical application in indwelling devices such as catheters is very important as the resistance of the pathogens responsible for nosocomial infections towards recent systems has been emerging with an increasing rate. The work presented here is focused on the preparation and characterization of an antimicrobial polymeric system composed of poly(vinyl chloride) in combination with crystal violet as a model compound of organic ionic active species. The antimicrobial activity of the system against gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and yeasts Candida albicans as the representative microorganisms were evaluated with a disk-diffusion test. The release profile of the active substance was observed with UV-VIS spectrometry. The mechanical properties of the prepared material were tested to verify that they were not altered with respect to the original medical-grade polymer matrix. Pomemben je razvoj novega protimikrobnega materiala za biomedicinsko uporabo notranjih pripomočkov, kot so katetri, ker se vedno pogosteje pojavlja odpornost patogenov, odgovornih za bolnišnične okužbe. Predstavljeno delo je osredinjeno na pripravo in karakterizacijo protimikrobnega polimernega sistema, ki ga sestavlja polivinilklorid v kombinaciji s kristal violetom kot model za spojine organskih ionskih aktivnih vrst. S ploščinskim difuzijskim preizkusom je bila ocenjena protimikrobna dejavnost sistema proti predstavnikom mikroorganizmov: gramnegativni bakteriji Escherichia coli, grampozitivni bakteriji Staphylococcus aureus in kvasovkam Candida albicans. Profil sprostitve aktivnih snovi je bil opazovan z UV-VIS-spektrometrijo. Mehanske lastnosti pripravljenega materiala so bile preizkušene, da bi potrdili, da niso drugačne od navadnega medicinskega polimera.
Databáze: OpenAIRE