Analiza mobilnosti dodiplomskih študentov na izbranih visokošolskih institucijah

Autor: Devetak, Gabrijel, Novak, Riko, Slatinšek, Anja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Management (Spletna izd.)
Popis: The article explores the mobility of undergraduate students at three selected higher education institutions in three different countries. Students, who participated in the analysis, have been involved in mobility programmes over the last six years (between 2006 and 2011) at the following higher education institutions: Germany Duale Hochschule Baden Württemberg Karlsruhe, Norway University of Tromso and Slovenia Faculty of Management. The empirical research was conducted on a population of 3,539 undergraduate students, who completed part of their academic curriculum in the host country during the period under investigation. The purpose of this article was to examine the motivational factors inuencing the decision for an international mobility destination and the expectations of students on a sample of288 (mobile) undergraduates. The research has shown that the majority of students of the selected educational institutions chose mobility because of the international experience, that gender has an impact on the duration of a student mobility stay and that in the majority of cases the students are satised with the mobility program. V prispevku preučujemo mobilnost dodiplomskih študentov na treh izbranih visokošolskih institucijah v treh različnih državah, ki so oziroma so bili del programa mobilnosti v zadnjih šestih letih (od 2006 do 2011): Nemčija Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe, Norveška Univerza v Tromsu in Slovenija Fakulteta za management. Empirična raziskava je bila izvedena na populaciji 3.539 dodiplomskih študentov na omenjenih treh visokošolskih institucijah, ki so bili mobilno aktivni in so del svojih študijskih obveznosti opravljali na izbranih institucijah v preučevanem obdobju. Namen prispevka je na osnovi vzorca 288 (mobilnih) dodiplomskih študentov prikazati osnovne motivacijske dejavnike glede na izbrano destinacijo za mednarodno mobilnost in njihova pričakovanja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se je večina študentov izbranih izobraževalnih institucij na študijsko mobilnost odpravila zaradi pridobitve mednarodne izkušnje, da obstajajo značilne razlike v dolžini obdobja študentske mobilnosti glede na spol in da so študenti v večini zadovoljni s programom mobilnosti.
Databáze: OpenAIRE