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The article discusses the legal nature of the assets` forfeiture, which was recently adopted by the Forfeiture of Assets of Illegal Origin Act (ZOPNI) and that divides the public opinion in the legal profession. In this Act, its opponents see a civil forfeiture which entails that in the procedure, which is to be decided, certain procedural safeguards that represent the fundamental procedural guarantees in the criminal proceedings do not apply. Opponents of the Act argue that it is a criminal forfeiture and that therefore a person whose property is subject to forfeiture must receive adequate procedural guarantees held by the accused in the criminal proceedings. The author first represents the main characteristics of the criminal and civil forfeiture, followed by the presentation of the criteria formed by the American jurisprudence and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) that enable the distinction between civil and criminal case. Finally, on the basis of these criteria, the analysis of the assets forfeiture regulated by ZOPNI is made in order to determine its legal nature. Članek obravnava pravno naravo odvzema premoženja, ki ga je uzakonil nedavno sprejeti Zakon o odvzemu premoženja nezakonitega izvora (ZOPNI). Mnenja strokovne javnosti o njej se namreč razlikujejo. Zagovorniki zakona pravijo, da gre za odvzem civilnopravne narave in da zato v postopku, v katerem se o njem odloča, ne veljajo nekatere procesne varovalke, ki so sicer temeljne procesne garancije v kazenskem postopku. Nasprotniki pa trdijo, da gre za kazenski odvzem in da mora biti zato oseba, katere premoženje je predmet odvzema, deležna ustreznih procesnih garancij, kakršne ima obdolženi v kazenskem postopku. V prispevku so najprej predstavljene bistvene značilnosti obeh vrst odvzema: kazenskega in civilnega. V nadaljevanju so predstavljena merila, izoblikovana v ameriški sodni praksi in v praksi Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice (ESČP), ki omogočajo razmejitev med civilnimi in kazenskimi zadevami. Na podlagi teh kriterijev je opravljena analiza odvzema premoženja, ki ga ureja ZOPNI, z namenom ugotovitve njegove pravne narave. |