Koroško bukovništvo skozi čas

Autor: Maurer-Lausegger, Herta
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Jezik in slovstvo
Popis: The phenomenon of Carinthian popular style writings, which is of literary and sociological interest, was known above all in the Carinthian-Upper Carniolan-Styrian regions. The authors were simple people, usually either farmers or craftsman, who spread popular texts with religious, apocryphal and mystic content written in a Slovenian regional substandard. In the copying phase, they based their writings on protestant texts (from the 16th century onwards). This was followed by a translating phase (from German, mid 18th century) and crowned by the so-called classic bukovništvo (towards the end of the 18th century). The language in these texts, which appear in numerous printed and manuscript versions, is diverse and inconsistent. This is illustrated by passages from the Carinthian Duhovna bramba, a compilation of apocryphal prayer and ancient blessing formulas. Literarno-sociološko zanimiv pojav koroškega bukovništva je bil razširjen predvsem na koroško-gorenjsko-štajerskem območju. Bukovniki so bili preprosti ljudje kmečkega in obrtniškega stanu, ki so med ljudstvom razširjali in gojili narečno obarvana slovenska ljudska besedila religioznih, apokrifnih in mističnih vsebin. V fazi prepisovalcev so se opirali na protestantsko pisno tradicijo (od 16. stoletja dalje), sredi 18. stoletja je sledilo obdobje prevajanja (iz nemščine), ki mu je proti koncu 18. stoletja sledilo klasično bukovništvo. Bukovniška besedila so jezikovno neustaljena in se pojavljajo v številnih tiskanih in rokopisnih variantah, kar je nakazano ob primeru odlomkov iz koroške Duhovne brambe, zbirke apokrifnih molitvic in žegnov.
Databáze: OpenAIRE