Vzpostavitev repozitorijev slovenskih univerz in nacionalnega portala odprte znanosti: Establishment of the Slovenian Universities' repositories and of the National Open Science Portal

Autor: Bezget, Jan, Borovič, Mladen, Bregant, Albin, Brezovnik, Janez, Ferme, Marko, Hrovat, Goran, Kotar, Mojca, Ojsteršek, Milan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Knjižnica
Popis: The paper presents the legal, organisational and technical perspectives regarding the implementation of the Slovenian national open access infrastructure for electronic theses and dissertations as well as for research publications. The infrastructure consists of four institutional repositories and a national portal that aggregates content from the university repositories and other Slovenian archives in order to provide a common search engine, recommendation of similar publications, and similar text detection. We have developed the software which is integrated with the universities' information and authentication systems and with the COBISS.SI. During the project the necessary legal background was defined and processes for mandatory submission of electronic theses and dissertations as well as of research publications were designed. The processes for data exchange between the institutional repositories and the national portal, and the processes for similar text detection and recommendation system were established. Bilingual web and mobile applications, a recommendation system and the interface suitable for persons with disabilities are provided to the users from around the world. The repositories are an effective promotion tool for universities and their researchers. It is expected that they will improve the recognition of Slovenian universities in the world. The complex national open access infrastructure with similar text detection support and integration with other systems will enable the storage of almost eighty percent of peer-reviewed scientific papers, annually published by Slovenian researchers. The majority of electronic theses and dissertations yearly produced at the Slovenian higher education institutions will also be accessible. V prispevku so predstavljeni pravni, organizacijski in tehnični vidiki vzpostavitve slovenske nacionalne infrastrukture odprtega dostopa do zaključnih del študija ter objav raziskovalcev, ki je sestavljena iz štirih institucionalnih repozitorijev slovenskih univerz in nacionalnega portala. Slednji agregira vsebine iz univerzitetnih repozitorijev in drugih slovenskih zbirk za potrebe skupnega iskalnika, priporočilnega sistema in detektorja podobnih vsebin. Razvita je bila programska oprema, ki je povezana z informacijskimi in avtentikacijskimi sistemi univerz ter s sistemom COBISS.SI. V okviru projekta so bile definirane pravne podlage, implementirani procesi za oddajo zaključnih del študija in objav zaposlenih, proces prenosa podatkov v nacionalni portal ter procesi izmenjave podatkov o priporočanju sorodnih del in primerjave podobnih vsebin. Uporabnikom z vsega sveta so na voljo dvojezične spletne in mobilne aplikacije, priporočilni sistem ter funkcionalnosti za uporabnike s posebnimi potrebami. Repozitoriji so učinkovito promocijsko orodje za univerze in njihove raziskovalce. Pričakovati je, da bodo izboljšali prepoznavnost slovenskih univerz v svetu. Kompleksno zasnovana nacionalna infrastruktura odprtega dostopa z detektorjem podobnih vsebin in s povezanimi zunanjimi sistemi bo omogočila hranjenje skoraj osemdesetih odstotkov recenziranih znanstvenih del, ki jih na leto objavijo slovenski raziskovalci. Prav tako bo dostopna večina zaključnih del študija, ki vsako leto nastanejo na slovenskih visokošolskih zavodih.
Databáze: OpenAIRE