Primerjava učinkovitosti vadbe za izboljšanje moči mišic in ravnotežja trupa med vadbo na napravi 3d Newton in fizioterapevtskimi vajami za stabilizacijo trupa pri dekletih z adolescentno idiopatsko skoliozo: Comparison of effectiveness of exercise for trunk muscle strength and postural balance between exercise on 3d Newton device and specific exercise program for trunk stabilisation in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Autor: Bajuk, Slavica, Burger, Helena, Majdič, Neža, Naglič, Nada, Udovčić Pertot, Anja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Rehabilitacija (Ljubljana)
Popis: Background: 3D Newton is a hi-tech device made for strengthening trunk muscles and balance. It is intended for patients with different diagnoses, including scoliosis. With a small pilot study, we wanted to compare the effectiveness of training on 3D Newton with the effectiveness of a specific physiotherapeutic program that is based on three-dimensional self-correction and trunk stabilisation in improved posture. Methods: We included eight girls (aged from 12 to 16 years), who were randomly assigned to one of two groups: the first group exercised on 3D Newton and the second group exercise within a specific physiotherapeutic program. We tested all the girls before and after the exercise program on 3D Newton to assess balance (proprioception, test A) and trunk muscle strength (test B). All the girls attended exercise program twice a week for five weeks. Results: In six out of the eight girls we observed improvement on both tests, but the improvement was not statistically significant in either group (Group 1 % test A: p=0.534, test B: p=0.158; Group 2 % test A: p=0.437, test B: p=0.082). There was also no statistically significant difference in mean progress between the groups (test A: p=0.721, test B: p=0.800). Conclusion: Exercise on the expensive 3D Newton device does not improve the postural balance significantly more than the specific exercise program, so its use in children with scoliosis is not justifiable. Izhodišča: Naprava 3D Newton je visokotehnološka naprava, ki je namenjena izboljšanju moči mišic trupa in propriocepcije pri osebah z različnimi diagnozami, med drugim tudi s skoliozo. Rezultati nekaterih študij so potrdili vpliv na ravnotežje. Z manjšo pilotsko raziskavo smo želeli primerjati učinkovitost vadbe na napravi 3D Newton s fizioterapevtskimi vajami (SFO), ki temeljijo na tridimenzionalni samopopravi in stabilizaciji trupa v popravljenem položaju. Metode: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih osem deklet (starih od 12 do 16 let), ki smo jih naključno razdelili v dve skupini (vadba na 3D Newtonu ali SFO). Pred obravnavo in po njej smo opravili testiranje na napravi 3D Newton za oceno ravnotežja (propriocepcije, test A) in moči mišic trupa (test B). Dekleta so vadbo obiskovala 2-krat tedensko, pet tednov. Rezultati: Pri šestih od osmih deklet smo sicer ugotovili izboljšanje rezultatov pri obeh testih, vendar izboljšanje pri nobeni od skupin ni bilo statistično značilno (skupina 1 % test A: p=0,534, test B: p=0,158; skupina 2 % test A: p=0,437, test B: p=0,082). Prav tako nismo ugotovili statistično značilnih razlik pri primerjavi izboljšanja testov po SFO in vadbi na 3D Newton (Test A: p=0,721; Test B: p=0,800). Zaključek: Vadba na dragi napravi 3D Newton ne prinaša bistvenega izboljšanja ravnotežja in moči mišic v primerjavi z vajami, zato njena uporaba pri najstnicah s skoliozo ni upravičena.
Databáze: OpenAIRE