Performance analysis of photovoltaic systems in the Brestanica thermal power plant: Analiza učinkovitosti sončnih elektrarn v TE Brestanica

Autor: Vovčko, Bojan
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of energy technology
Popis: This paper deals with the performance ratio and energy yield of three photovoltaic systems (MFE TEB 1-3) in the Brestanica thermal power plant (TE Brestanica). The objective of this paper is to analyse these two parameters according to the different types of solar cells (amorphous/monocrystalline silicon), non-ideal inclination, and azimuth angles of PV modules in different seasons. The analysis was made on the basis of operating data of MFE TEB 1-3 for the period from 2011 to 2016. Performance ratio is one of the most important parameters in the assessment of the quality of photovoltaic systems; it represents the ratio between the actual energy produced and the theoretical energy produced by a photovoltaic system and shows the proportion of energy that is available for transmission to the electricity network after deducting lost energy. In contrast, the energy yield represents the ratio between the actual energy produced and the nominal power of the photovoltaic system. The results show a significant influence of temperature coefficient, as well as the inclination and azimuth angles of the PV modules on the performance ratio and the energy yield. Prispevek obravnava faktor učinkovitosti in energijski izplen treh sončnih elektrarn (MFE TEB 1-3), katere ima v lasti Termoelektrarna Brestanica. Cilj tega prispevka je narediti analizo teh dveh parametrov glede na različno vrsto sončnih celic (amorfni/monokristalni silicij), neidealnim naklonskim in azimutnim kotom sončnih modulov v različnih letnih časih. Analiza je bila narejena na osnovi obratovalnih podatkov za obdobje od 2011 do 2016. Faktor učinkovitosti je eden izmed najpomembnejših parametrov pri ocenjevanju kakovosti sončnih elektrarn in predstavlja razmerje med dejansko in predvideno proizvodnjo električne energije sončne elektrarne ter prikazuje delež energije, ki je na voljo za prenos v omrežje po odbitku izgubljene energije, energijski izplen pa predstavlja razmerje med dejansko proizvedeno električno energijo in nazivno močjo sončne elektrarne. Rezultati kažejo precejšen vpliv temperaturnega koeficienta, naklonskega in azimutnega kota sončnih modulov na faktor učinkovitosti in energijski izplen.
Databáze: OpenAIRE