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In 2004 the author of the present paper was also the author of the initiative for constitutional legal consideration of the request to call a referendum concerning the building of the Islamic religious facilities, the mosque in Ljubljana, submitted to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia to decide on. In the introduction it first gives an outline of the social and political developments that accompanied the pre-referendum campaign. In part one he first expounds the process and constitutional legal reasons because of which in this case the Constitutional Court was able to carry out constitutional juridical assessment of the content of the referendum via the act on the call of the referendum. Further it analyses the content aspect of the referendum request - also and with the help of comparative legal approach - provides constitutional legislative reasons that support the judgement of content unconstitutionality of this concrete referendum. Theoretically the constitutional legislation problem of the goal, the objective, or the purpose pursued by a definite legislative measure - either passed by the usual legislator or in the case when voters take over the legislative function in a referendum - is discussed separately. Explained are the selection and the use of constitutional texts for decisions in this kind of cases. The author also analyses the problem of the relationship between the Islamic religious community and the majority population through the provisions of the Constitution on equality of religious communities, on the freedom of conscience, and the freedom of creed. In the concluding part he presents the key parts from the argumentation of the Constitutional Court why this referendum initiative was anti-constitutional. He concludes the text with a presentation of the latest Slovenian constitutional juridical precedence that outlines all the essential characteristics of constitutional legislative protection of religious freedom and equality in Slovenian constitutional order. Avtor besedila je bil leta 2004 tudi avtor pobude za ustavnosodno presojo referendumske zahteve glede gradnje islamskega verskega objekta džamije v Ljubljani, o kateri je odločalo Ustavno sodišče. Uvodoma izriše družbeno in politično dogajanje, ki je spremljalo predreferendumsko kampanjo. V prvem delu najprej utemelji procesne ustavnopravne razloge, zaradi katerih je Ustavno sodišče v tem primeru lahko ustavnosodno presojalo ustavnost vsebine referenduma preko ustavnosodne presoje akta o njegovem razpisu. V nadaljevanju analizira vsebinski vidik referendumske zahteve in tudi s pomočjo primerjalnopravnega pristopa navede ustavnopravne razloge, ki govorijo o vsebinski protiustavnosti zadevnega referenduma. Teoretično je posebej obravnavan ustavnopravni problem namena, cilja ali smotra, ki ga zasleduje določen zakonodajni ukrep, bodisi s strani običajnega zakonodajalca bodisi v primerih, ko zakonodajno funkcijo na referendumu prevzamejo volivci. Pojasnjena je izbira in uporaba ustavnih testov za odločanje v tovrstnih primerih. Problem razmerja med islamsko versko skupnostjo in večinskim prebivalstvom avtor analizira tudi preko ustavnih določb o enakopravnosti verskih skupnosti, o svobodi vesti in o svobodi veroizpovedi. V sklepnem delu predstavi ključne dele iz argumentacije ustavnega sodišča o tem, zakaj je bila ta referendumska pobuda protiustavna. Besedilo sklene s predstavitvijo zadnjega slovenskega ustavnosodnega precedensa, ki izriše vse bistvene značilnosti ustavnopravnega varstva verske svobode in enakopravnosti v slovenskem ustavnem redu. |