Esterházy pri nas: iz recepcije sodobne madžarske književnosti

Autor: Rudaš, Jutka
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Jezik in slovstvo
Popis: The article presents the reception of works by Péter Esterházy in Slovenia. The proces of receptive aesthetics of contemporary Hungarian literature from the second half of the '80ies and up to now, is marked by the literary meeting in Vilenica. Since its very beginning in 1986, Hungarian writers have been taking part in this, now already traditional literary manifestation, and several have been given awards there. Péter Esterházy was the first to be given the International Vilenica Literary Award in 1988, which has resulted in the translation of his work since them. This article tries to establish how his literary work is received in Slovenia's cultural domain, which has a completely different cultural and historical tradition, where various horizons of reading are being discovered, with a different understanding of his artistic message, which has resulted in an array of aesthetic judgements of his work Prispevek predstavlja recepcijo del Pétra Esterhzyja pri nas. Postopek recepcijske estetike moderne madžarske književnosti od druge polovice 80-ih let do danes zaznamuje Vilenica. Madžarski pisatelji se od samega začetka (1986) udeležujejo te že tradicionalne literarne manifestacije, kjer je bil marsikateri izmed njih tudi že nagrajen. Péter Esterházy je bil prvi, ki je dobil mednarodno literarno nagrado Vilenica za leto 1988. Od takrat se je začelo tudi prevajanje njegovih del. Pričujoč prispevek ugotavlja, kako je pisateljevo leposlovno delo sprejeto v našem kulturnem prostoru s povsem drugačno kulturnozgodovinsko tradicijo, kjer odkrivamo različne horizonte branja, drugačno razumevanje njegovih umetniških sporočil in kjer nastajajo različne estetske sodbe
Databáze: OpenAIRE