Exploring student attitudes to the refugee crisis: Proučevanje odnosa študentov do begunske krize skozi izseljenske pesmi: songs on migration

Autor: Hempkin, Kirsten
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: ELOPE (Ljubljana)
Popis: The issue of migrants and refugees has occupied Europe for the last few months. Much of the discourse surrounding this issue has been overwhelmingly negative, lapsing at times into stereotype, prejudice and even hate speech. As language teachers at a humanities faculty, we have a responsibility to address this issue in the classroom, especially as classroom experience tells us that our students are prone to stereotypical thinking. The article presents a series of song-based activities intended for use in language development classes for future teachers and translators at the Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor. Vprašanje migrantov in beguncev že več mesecev zaposluje Evropo. Javna govorica o migrantih in beguncih je bila pretežno negativna, prežeta s stereotipi, predsodki in občasnim sovražnim govorom. Kot učitelji jezika na humanističnih fakultetah smo se dolžni pri pouku spoprijeti s temi pojavi, tem bolj ker izkušnje kažejo, da tudi naši študentje niso imuni pred stereotipnim razmišljanjem. V članku je predstavljena vrsta na pesmih zasnovanih dejavnosti, ki sem jih v ta namen z bodočimi učitelji in prevajalci izvedla pri predmetu razvijanje jezikovnih zmožnosti na Filozofski fakulteti v Mariboru.
Databáze: OpenAIRE