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ALBANIA 2030: An Example For Adapting Advanced National Spatial Planning Instruments In Developing Countries
Janku, Eranda
Rok vydání:
social and economic cohesions. The transition from a centrally planned economy
For many years
was by using case studies
as well as self-organizing autonomous local actions to be inspired. Albania 2030 Manifesto aimed at creating a method
Albania 2030 Manifesto tried to build against the vacuum that is created by the lack of tradition on national spatial development policies. It aimed to offer a method of spatial planning and a guidance for the government in drafting the national spatial plan. The method followed for achieving such
which allows for multi-actors
one of the biggest challenges of Albania has been the consideration of urban planning as a management tool for controlling the development
in order to create a model for spatial planning
For many years
one of the biggest challenges of Albania has been the consideration of urban planning as a management tool for controlling the development
in order to achieve territorial
social and economic cohesions. The transition from a centrally planned economy
where everything was controlled by the government
towards decentralization and market economy caused many consequences
among which uncontrolled and fragmented urban development
loss of agricultural land due to urbanization
concentration of population and dense urbanization in the major cities
abandonment of western lowland and eastern parts of the country etc. Thus
Albania 2030 Manifesto tried to build against the vacuum that is created by the lack of tradition on national spatial development policies. It aimed to offer a method of spatial planning and a guidance for the government in drafting the national spatial plan. The method followed for achieving such
was by using case studies
as well as an action research method involving several focus groups and discussion platforms
in order to create a model for spatial planning
which goes beyond the traditional linear model of producing a controlled future
and which allows for flexibility
complexity and change to occur within the system. The research work aimed at initiating a change also in the “mind-frame” of creating a process
which is open and allows for the incorporation of change due to greater dynamic global forces
as well as self-organizing autonomous local actions to be inspired. Albania 2030 Manifesto aimed at creating a method
which allows for multi-actors
levels and factors to be incorporated in the process
as well as to offer guidance on the cartographic language
that can be used to represent the spatial vision
among which uncontrolled and fragmented urban development
and which allows for flexibility
in order to achieve territorial
where everything was controlled by the government
abandonment of western lowland and eastern parts of the country etc. Thus
loss of agricultural land due to urbanization
as well as to offer guidance on the cartographic language
towards decentralization and market economy caused many consequences
levels and factors to be incorporated in the process
as well as an action research method involving several focus groups and discussion platforms
which is open and allows for the incorporation of change due to greater dynamic global forces
concentration of population and dense urbanization in the major cities
which goes beyond the traditional linear model of producing a controlled future
complexity and change to occur within the system. The research work aimed at initiating a change also in the “mind-frame” of creating a process
that can be used to represent the spatial vision
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