Historical Development and Analysis of Maintenance of Road Engines of Internal Combustion Vehicles

Autor: Grgurić, Ivona
Přispěvatelé: Bošnjak, Miljenko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Najutjecajnije tehniĉke inovacije našeg vremena su motori s unutarnjim izgaranjem i motorna vozila. Potpuno su promijenili naše ţivote, naš naĉin razmišljanja i naĉin na koji se njima bavimo i cijenimo. Razvoj motora s unutarnjim izgaranjem i kakvoća goriva/maziva meĊusobno su isprepleteni od izuma prvog motora. Bio je to prvi motor koji je izumljen i namijenjen iskljuĉivo za pogon odreĊenom vrstom goriva. OdreĊene vrste goriva. To zahtijeva stalnu i blisku suradnju izmeĊu inţenjera, istraţivaĉa i drugih struĉnjaka u industriji. Dizelski motor je motor s unutarnjim izgaranjem, koji za pogon koristi dizelsko gorivo i koji radi dizelskim ciklusom. Izumio ga je 1892. godine njemaĉki inţenjer Rudolf Diesel. Velika većina dizelskih motora danas koristi sustav koji koristi visokotlaĉnu crpku za ubrizgavanje goriva, što se moţe uĉiniti na razliĉite naĉine. Starije verzije koristile su mehaniĉku crpku koju pokreće bregasto vratilo ili jedinstveni pogon iz koljenastog vratila, ali novije verzije uglavnom imaju suvremene common-rail ili hidrauliĉne sustave ubrizgavanja visokotlaĉnom crpkom i raspršivaĉem integriranim u blok. Rimac Automobil je hrvatska tvrtka za proizvodnju elektriĉkih vozila, pogonskih sustava pogonskih i baterijskih sustava. Tvrtka je poznata po proizvodnji najbrţega elektriĉnog automobila CONCEPT ONE. Snaţan fokus na razvoj vlastitih proizvoda i dugoroĉne rezultate znaĉi da većina inţenjera radi na razvoju vlastitih proizvoda. Društvo je cjelokupnim poslovanjem posvećeno pomicanju granica tehnoloških mogućnosti u segmentu elektriĉnih automobila i tehnologija. U sklopu samog razvoja automobila, Rimac Automobili razvija veliki broj sustava, komponenata i tehnologija koji će svoju primjenu i trţište pronaći kod drugih proizvoĊaĉa automobila. Trenutaĉno tvrtka razvija novu generaciju motora, invertera, baterijskog sustava, mjenjaĉkog sustava i infotainmenta. ABSTRACT The most impactful technical innovations of our time are internal combustion engines and motorized vehicles. They've completely transformed our lives, our ways of thinking, and how we engage with and appreciate them. Internal combustion engine development and fuel/lubricant quality have been intertwined since the invention of the first engine. It was the first engine to be invented and intended to solely run on a specific type of fuel. It necessitates ongoing and close collaboration between engineers, researchers, and other industry specialists. A diesel engine, or diesel engine, is an internal combustion engine that uses diesel as a propellant and which runs on the diesel cycle. It was invented in 1892 by the German engineer Rudolf Diesel. The vast majority of diesel engines nowadays use a system that uses a pump to inject fuel, which can be done in a variety of ways. Older versions used a mechanical pump powered by a camshaft bump or a unique drive generated from the crankshaft, but subsequent versions have mostly contemporary common-rail or hydraulic injection systems with the pump and sprayer integrated into the block. Rimac Automobili is a Croatian company for the production of electric vehicles, propulsion systems and battery systems. The company is known for producing the fastest electric car CONCEPT ONE. A strong focus on developing your own products and long-term results means that most engineers are working on developing their own products. Throughout its operations, the company is committed to pushing the boundaries of technological possibilities in the segment of electric cars and technologies. As part of the development of cars, Rimac Automobili is developing a large number of systems, components and technologies that will find their application and market with other car manufacturers. Currently, the company is developing a new generation of motors, inverters, battery system, transmission system and infotainment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE