Traffic Accidents at Traffic Lighthouses

Autor: Ožegović, Zvonimir
Přispěvatelé: Burazer-Pavešković, Josip
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Cestovni promet je jedna od grana prometa koja služi za prijevoz osoba ili tereta s jednog mjesta na drugo, i kao takav predstavlja značajnu ulogu u svakodnevnom životu ljudi. Bez prometa je gotovo nezamislivo normalno funkcioniranje društva. Negativne i neželjene strane cestovnog prometa su prometne nesreće. Sigurnost sudionika u prometu veća je što je manje prometnih nezgoda i njihovih štetnih posljedica. Raskrižje je površina na cestovnoj mreži gdje se spajaju dvije ili više cesta gdje su postupci i radnje znatno složenije u odnosu na otvorene dijelove trase, pa se stoga zbog velikog broja konfliktnih točaka u raskrižjima događa najveći broj prometnih nesreća. Zbog toga se u raskrižjima nalaze semafori, koji služe signalizaciju i regulaciju prometa. Road transport is one of the branches of transport that serves to transport people or goods from one place to another, and as such represents a significant role in people's daily lives. Without traffic, the normal functioning of society is almost unthinkable. The downsides and side effects of road traffic are traffic accidents. The safety of traffic participants is greater the fewer traffic accidents and their harmful consequences. An intersection is an area on the road network where two or more roads join where procedures and action are much more complex compared to open parts oft he route, and therefore due to large number of points of conlict at intersections most traffic accidents occur. That is why there are traffic lights at intersections, which serve as signalization and traffic regulation.
Databáze: OpenAIRE