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I SAŽETAK U ovom završnom radu analizirana je proizvodnja automobilskih guma koje su jedne od najvažnijih komponenti cestovnog motornog vozila.Opisana je automobilska guma kao gotov proizvod,od čega nastaje i njezina povijest,opisani su svi tipovi guma,istraženi su i opisani svi postupci u proizvodnji automobilskih guma.Cilj proizvodnje automobilskih guma je napraviti automobilsku gumu koja će pružati najveću moguću sigurnost vozila i imati dobru izvedbu na cesti.Napredak auotomobilskih guma dogodio se razvojem gumenih tvorevina,koje su razvojem postale bolji materijal za upotrebu,a zajedno s time morala se osigurati sigurnost i efikasnost pri vožnji. Analizom i istraživanjem proizvodnje automobilskih guma,posebno sintetskih pneumatika zaključeno je to da proizvod koji nastane procesima u proizvodnji automobilskih guma mora zadovoljavati sve uvjete i zahtjeve sigurnosti i efikasnosti.Guma mora biti pouzdana,a to znači da automobilska guma u svakom trenutku vožnje mora osiguravati vožnju motornih vozila na siguran način u zavoju ili na ravnici. Rad je koncipiran u nekoliko cjelina.Opisuje se važnost proizvodnje automobilskih guma,te svaka vrsta namjene automobilske gume.Objašnjen je nastanak gume od prirodnog i sintetskog materijala,te procesi koji pomoću tih materijala pomažu u proizvodnji gume za različite djelatnosti. The final work refers to the analysis of production of car tires which are one of the most important components of a road motor vehicle. The car tire is also described as a finished product, from which material it is made, historical development, and full description of all car types. The goal of car tire production is to make a tire that will provide the greatest possible vehicle safety and one that will have the best performance on the road. Advances in car tires have been made with the development of rubber products, which have become better materials for use, and at the same time safety and efficiency have had to be ensured while driving. Analysis and research of the production of car tires, especially synthetic tires, concluded that the product created by processes in the production of car tires must meet all conditions and requirements of safety and efficiency. The tire must be reliable while driving on every type of road. The paper is conceived in several parts. It describes the importance of car tire production, and each type of car tire use. The origin of rubber from natural and synthetic materials is explained, and the processes that use these materials to help produce tires for various industries. |