Construction of field and laboratory geotechnical investigation

Autor: Tomiek, Kristina
Přispěvatelé: Orešković, Matija
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Tema ovog završnog rada bila je analiza provedenih terenskih i laboratorijskih geotehničkih istražnih radova izvršenih na četiri lokacije u Međimurskoj županiji. Istražni rad provodio se u dvije faze. Prvu fazu su činili terenski radovi koji su se vršili pomoću statičkog penetracijskog pokusa u svrhu izračuna otpora i trenja te pomoću standardnog penetracijskog pokusa kojim se vadio uzorak iz jezgre tla. Druga faza ispitivanja bili su laboratorijski pokusi kod kojih se ispitivala vlažnost, klasifikacija, otpor i fizikalna svojstva tla, indeksni pokazatelji te kohezija. Otpor tla pod djelovanjem opterećenja ispitivao se pomoću edometra, dok je Proctorov pokus korišten za ispitivanje vlažnosti tla pri kojoj tlo ima najveću suhu obujamsku masu. Klasifikacija tla vršena je prema važećoj USCS klasifikaciji, a kohezija je ispitivana uz pomoć krilne sonde. The topic of this final work was an analysis of field and laboratory geotechnical investigations carried out at four locations in Međimurje County. The research work was conducted in two phases. The first phase was field work that was performed by a static penetration test for the purpose of calculating resistance and friction, and by using a standard penetration test to extract the sample from the ground core. The second phase of the test was laboratory experiments in which moisture, classification, resistance and physical properties of the soil, index indicators and cohesion were examined. Resistance to soil under load was investigated using the edometers, while the Proctor test was used to test the soil moisture, where the soil had the highest dry volume mass. The soil classification was performed according to the valid USCS classification, and cohesion was investigated by means of a wing probe.
Databáze: OpenAIRE