Health care for patients with Depressive Disorders

Autor: Hudin, Karolina
Přispěvatelé: Božičević, Marija
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: U 21. stoljeću bilježi se značajan porast oboljelih od poremećaja raspoloženja, što naravno uključuje i depresivni poremećaj koji je poprimio globalne razmjere te je u daljnjem porastu. Još u dalekoj povijesti, otac medicine Hipokrat opisivao je depresivnog čovjeka. Dakle, ovaj poremećaj star je kao i naša civilizacija. Depresivni poremećaj zahvaća sve dobne skupine, oba spola, s time da žene češće obolijevaju od navedenog poremećaja. Najčešće obolijevaju osobe nakon 25. godine života što znači da zahvaća radno aktivno stanovništo te često baš te osobe ostaju radno onesposobljene, stigmatizirane i izolirane od društva. Često zbog srama osobe oboljele od depresivnog poremećaja ne zatraže pomoć ili ignoriraju simptome jer misle da će biti osuđene od društva pošto još i u današnje vrijeme postoji tabu oko mentalnog zdravlja. Mnoge države svijeta svojim programima bore se protiv stigme i diskriminacije duševnih bolesnika. Od velike je važnosti poticati takve osobe da zatraže pomoć te budu adekvatno liječene pošto uz ovaj poremećaj dolazi i rizik od suicida. Velik je rizik prije nego depresija dosegne svoj maksimum. Terapija se određuje prema individualnim potrebama svakog pojedinca, a najčešće se provodi u kombinaciji farmakoterapije i psihoterapije. Medicinska sestra utvrđuje potrebu za zdravstvenom njegom te ju treba planirati i provoditi prema potrebama svakog bolesnika s naglaskom na pomoći pri izvršavanju svakodnevnih aktivnosti, pomoći pri uklapanju u zajednicu, učenju bolesnika da verbalizira svoje potrebe bez ustručavanja i osjećaja manje vrijednosti s kojim se bore takvi bolesnici. In the 21st century, a significant increase in mood disorders has been reported, which, of course, include depressive disorder that has taken on global scale and is further increasing. Even in the distant past, the father of medicine Hippocrates, described the depressed man. So this disorder is as old as our civilization. Depressive disorder affects all age groups, both sexes, with women being more likely to suffer from the above mentioned disorder. The most commonly affected people are between the age of 25 and 40, which means that they are affecting a working active population and often those people remain disabled, stigmatized and isolated from society. Often because of the shame people suffering from depressive disorder do not seek help or ignore the symptoms because they think they will be convicted of the society as there is still a mental health taboo today. Many countries in the world are fighting against stigma and discrimination of mentally ill patients. It is of great importance to encourage such persons to seek help and to be adequately treated as the risk of suicide comes with this disorder. There is a great risk before depression reaches its maximum. Therapy is determined according to the individual needs of each patient, and is usually conducted in combination with pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. The nurse needs to identify the need for healthcare and plan and implement it according to the needs of each patient with the emphasis on helping to carry out everyday activities, helping to fit into the community, teaching the patient to verbalize their needs without shrinking and feeling the lesser value as this is a typical problem of such patients.
Databáze: OpenAIRE