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Autistični poremećaj pervazivni je neurorazvojni poremećaj. Javlja se u dojenačkoj dobi ili ranom djetinjstvu, najčešće do treće godine djetetova života i traje čitav život. Leo Kanner je 1943. godine prvi opisao autizam i naveo osnovna obilježja autizma; nemogućnost djeteta da uspostavi normalne kontakte s roditeljima, djecom i drugim ljudima općenito; zakašnjeli razvoj govora i uporaba govora na nekomunikativan način; ponavljajuće i stereotipne igre i opsesivno inzistiranje na poštivanju određenog reda; nedostatak mašte; dobro mehaničko pamćenje i normalan tjelesni izgled. Iako je etiologija još uvijek nepoznata, a prognoze liječenja uglavnom loše, uz rano otkrivanje, adekvatne terapijske postupke, rehabilitaciju i edukaciju djeteta s poremećajem autizma mogu se postići zavidni rezultati. Intelektualno funkcioniranje, razvoj govora te težina karakterističnih simptoma autizma neki su od čimbenika koji diktiraju tijek i prognozu bolesti. Temeljna uloga medicinske sestre je u povećanju kvalitete života osoba s autizmom i njihovih obitelji kao i zadovoljavanje osnovnih ljudskih potreba. Tijekom izrade završnog rada provedeno je istraživanje putem društvenih mreža u razdoblju od 15.07.2020. do 25.07.2020. godine. Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je utvrditi znanje i stavove studenata studija sestrinstva o autizmu te uočiti eventualne razlike u stavovima studenata uzimajući u obzir godinu studija na kojoj se nalaze, te samim time i znanje i iskustvo koje posjeduju. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 124 sudionika. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na nedostatak znanja i iskustava o autizmu. Obradom podataka istraživanja donesen je zaključak koji upućuje na to da je percepcija i znanje studenata o poremećaju iz spektra autizma značajno veće nakon provedene edukacije u sklopu kolegija na studiju. Uzimajući u obzir da autistični poremećaj traje čitav život, isto tako valja naglasiti kako se sestrinska skrb pruža u svim dobnim skupinama. Medicinska sestra član je multidisciplinarnog zdravstvenog tima te je iznimno važna za uključenje osoba s autizmom u društvenu zajednicu. Kako bi bila od što većeg značaja za osobu s autizmom, svaka medicinska sestra, trebala bi posjedovati osnovno znanje o autizmu što bi bilo od iznimno velike važnosti za što raniju dijagnostiku i što bolji ishod. Autistic disorder is a pervasive neurodevelopmental disorder. It occurs in infancy or early childhood, most often up to the third year of a child’s life and lasts a lifetime. Leo Kanner was the first to describe autism in 1943 and listed the basic features of autism; the inability of the child to establish normal contacts with parents, children and other people in general; delayed speech development and use of speech in a non-communicative way; repetitive and stereotypical games and obsessive insistence on respecting a certain order; lack of imagination; good mechanical memory and normal physical appearance. Although the etiology is still unknown and the prognosis of treatment is generally poor, with early detection, adequate therapeutic procedures, rehabilitation and education of a child with autism disorder can achieve enviable results. Intellectual functioning, speech development and the severity of the characteristic symptoms of autism are some of the factors that dictate the course and prognosis of the disease. The fundamental role of the nurse in increasing the quality of life of a person with autism and their family is to meet basic human needs. During the preparation of the final paper, a survey was conducted via social networks in the period from 15.07.2020. to 25.07.2020. years. The aim of the research was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students about autism and to notice possible differences in students' attitudes, considering the year of study in which they are, and thus the knowledge and experience they possess. The study involved 124 participants. The results of the research indicate a lack of knowledge and experience about autism. By processing the research data, a conclusion was reached which indicates that the perception and knowledge of students about the disorder from the autism spectrum is significantly higher after the education within the course of study. Considering that autistic disorder lasts a lifetime, it should also be emphasized that nursing care is provided in all age groups. The nurse is a member of a multidisciplinary health care team and is extremely important for the inclusion of people with autism in the community. In order to be as important as possible for a person with autism, every nurse should have a basic knowledge of autism, which would be extremely important for the earliest possible diagnosis and the best possible outcome. |