Creating promotion material for brand of candles

Autor: Cvetković, Neven
Přispěvatelé: Morić, Marko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Promidžbeni materijal čini bilo koji proizvod, uslugu ili firmu vidljivom na tržištu, prije same izrade promidžbenog materijala dizajner treba pristupiti ideji koju ima na način da je razradi kroz doradu, a kako bi dizajn bio inovativan i originalan potrebno je istražiti tržište. U tom kontekstu, dizajner osim što mora biti informiran o novim trendovima na tržištu, mora posjedovati teorijska znanja o grafičkom dizajnu te praktično i stečeno znanje rada na softverima kao što su Illustrator i Photoshop. U ovom radu prikazan je proces izrade grafike i kako je ona implementirana kroz promidžbeni materijal brenda svijeća. Također je opisan i način pripreme grafike za tisak koja služi svakom dizajneru da priredi dokument za kvalitetni otisak. Nakon grafičke pripreme slijedi probni ispis na digitalnom printeru, dorada i konačni ispis, a kasnije su otisci (naljepnice) rezani i kutija savijana kako bi proizvod bio spreman za izlazak na tržište. Promotion material is a part of every product, service, or company that is visible on the market. Before making any promotion material, the designer needs to approach the idea in a way to edit idea many times. If we would like to have an original and innovative design, it's necessary to research the market before. In that context, the designer needs to be informed about new trends on the market and needs to have theoretical knowledge about graphic design and practical acquired knowledge for working on software such as Photoshop and Illustrator. In this final paper, the process of making graphics is shown through an example of implementation of visual elements for the brand of candles. Although the process described is for the graphic preparation for the press, that process will help anyone who wants to prepare the documents for quality print. After the documents are ready to press, we need to make a test print with digital printing, edit if it's required, and then print the final version. After that, prints (stickers) are cut and the box is stacked so that our product can be ready to go on the market.
Databáze: OpenAIRE