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Video igre su iz godine u godinu sve popularnije, pogotovo jer oni najbolji mogu jako ugodno živjeti radeći ono što vole. Stoga nije čudno što većina današnje mladeži pokušava dostići do najviše razine, te se natjecati s najboljim ljudima na svijetu za velike novčane nagrade. Iako je to jedna široka branša karijere u video igrama nisu rezervirane samo za one najbolje. Najpopularnija live streaming platforma Twitch je dokaz da i oni koji nemaju status profesionalnih igrača mogu uz malo sreće te kvalitetan sadržaj privući masu ljudi i osigurati si vrlo kvalitetan život. No u Hrvatskoj esport scena je slabo razvijena jer su ljudi skeptični da netko može voditi jako ugodan život isključivo igrajući video igre te natječući se u istima. Ovaj rad sastoji se od teorijskog i praktičnog dijela organizacije esport turnira. U teorijskom dijelu bit će opisana povijest esport-a, te koraci nužni za organizaciju istoga, a u praktičnom dijelu bit će prikazan proces organizacije esport natjecanja Gaming na Sjeveru Božićni turnir, te koje platforme su bile korištene za realizaciju završnog rada na Sveučilištu Sjever. Video games are getting more and more popular every year, especially since the best ones can make a very comfortable living doing what they love. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of today's youth try to reach the highest level and compete with the best people in the world for big cash prizes. Although it is a broad field, careers in video games are not reserved only for the best. The most popular live streaming platform Twitch is proof that even those who do not have the status of professional players can, with a little luck and quality content, attract a lot of people and ensure a very high quality life. But in Croatia, the esports scene is poorly developed because people are skeptical that someone can lead a very pleasant life solely playing video games and competing in them. This paper consists of the theoretical and practical part of the organization of esports tournaments. In the theoretical part, the history of esports will be described, and the steps necessary for the organization of esport tournaments, and in the practical part, the process of organizing the esport competition „Gaming na Sjeveru“ Christmas tournament, and which platforms were used for the realization of the final paper at the University North. |