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Uvod: Ugradnja elektrostimulatora srca je invazivna kirurška metoda koja se primjenjuje u bolesnika s bolesnim provodnim sustavom srca. Elektrostimulator srca sastoji se od generatore i elektroda, generator se smješta potkožno na pektoralnu fasciju a elekrode se u srčane šupljine postavljaju transvenskim putem. Broj ugrađenih elektrostimulatora srca u kontinuiranom je porastu zbog povećanja starosti polulacije, proširenih indikacija te razvoju novih tehnologija, te je tako i porast komplikacija nakon ugradnje prisutan. Metode i uzorak: Istraživanje je provedeno retrospektivnom analizom medicinske dokumentacije pohranjene u bolnički informatički sustav, prikupljeni podaci su dob bolesnika te komplikacije zabilježene nakon ugradnje elektrostimulatora srca. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 2,076 sudionika, bolesnika kojima je u razdoblju od 01.01.2016. do 01.01.2021. godine ugrađen elektrostimulator srca u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka, na Klinici za bolesti srca i krvnih žila. Istraživanje je provedeno u drugoj polovici srpnja te prvoj polovici kolovoza. Rezultati: Dobiveni rezultati pokazalo se kako je pojavom novih tehnologija i saznanja o ugradnji elektrostimulatora srca pojavnost komplikacija iz godine u godinu sve manja. Ujedno i iskustvo implantera pridonosi smanjenoj pojavi komplikacija nakon ugradnje elektrostimulatora. Rasprava: Ugradnja elektrostimulatora srca predstavlja “produljenje” života, ali pritom iziskuje i mijenjanje životnih navika. Zato je potrebno svakome bolesniku pristupiti individualno, s ciljem uspješne edukacije te prevencije nastanka komplikacija. Proteklih 5 godina, u Kliničkom bolničkom centru Rijeka, bilježi se pad pojava komplikacija nakon ugradnje elektrostimulatora. Najčešće komplikacije zabilježene u provedenom istraživanju su pojava hematoma te nastanak pneumotoraksa. Kontinuiranom profesionalnom edukacijom medicinskih sestara/tehničara te trajno prihvaćanje novih saznanja iz područja kardiologije, može se pravovremeno otkriti i prevenirati moguće komplikacije nakon ugradnje srčanog elektrostimulatora. Introduction: Pacemaker implantation is an invasive surgical method used in patients with a diseased cardiac conduction system. The pacemaker consists of a generator and an electrode, the generator is placed subcutaneously on the pectoral fascia and the electrodes are placed in the heart cavities via the transvenous route. The number of implanted pacemakers is continuously increasing due to the increase in the age of populations, expanded indicators of the development of new technologies, and thus the increase in complications after installation is present. Methods and sample: The study was conducted by retrospective analysis of medical records stored in the hospital information system, collected data obtained from patients and complications recorded after implantation of pacemakers. The study involved 2,076 respondents, patients who in the period from 01.01.2016. to 01.01.2021. A pacemaker was installed in the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, at the Clinic for Cardiovascular Diseases. The survey was conducted in the second half of July and the first half of August. Results: The obtained results showed that with the advent of new technology and knowledge about the installation of pacemakers, the incidence of complications is decreasing from year to year. The implant experience also contributes to the reduced occurrence of complications after the implantation of an pacemaker. Discussion: The implanted of a pacemaker is a "prolongation" of life, but it also requires and changes life habits. Therefore, it is necessary to approach each patient individually, with the aim of successful education and prevention of complications. For the past 5 years, in the Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka, there has been a decrease in the occurrence of complications after the implantation of pacemaker. The most common complications recorded in the study were the appearance of hematomas and the development of pneumothorax. Through continuous professional education of nurses / technicians and permanent acceptance of new knowledge in the field of cardiology, it is possible to timely detect and prevent possible complications after the implanted of a pacemaker. |