Nutrition in children of nursery age

Autor: Mikor, Magdalena
Přispěvatelé: Uršulin-Trstenjak, Natalija
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Jasličko dijete ili malo dijete je dijete između prve i treće godine života. To je nakon dojenačkog razdoblja još jedno razdoblje djetetovog života koje može imati učinak na rast i razvoj u budućnosti. Za adekvatan rast i razvoj u svakom životnom periodu važna je adekvatna prehrana, a poglavito je važna za ona razdoblja u kojima dijete najbrže raste i najintenzivnije se razvija. Već u jasličkoj dobi pravilnom prehranom možemo preventivno imati utjecaj na pojavnost patoloških promjena i kroničnih bolesti koji se mogu javiti u odrasloj dobi, a uz te kronične mogu se javiti i maligne bolesti. Mnoga djeca te navike koriste i u daljnjem životu jer stjecanjem dobrih navika u dječjim vrtićima dolazi do zdravlja u budućnosti. Dječji jelovnik u vrtiću nije samo ispunjavanje dnevnih energetskih i nutritivnih potreba djece već je važan dio odgojno-obrazovnog procesa u kojem dijete stječe informacije, tehnike i kompetencije te stvara svoja stajališta o dobrobiti adekvatne prehrane. U dobi od 1 – 3 godine života najveći dio energije dijete crpi iz ugljikohidrata, dok se masti smanjuju, a težnja za vitaminima i mineralima je veća, preporuka je da djeca imaju 3 glavna obroka i 2 međuobroka. Sve osobe koje rade u pripremi i pohrani hrane moraju održavati visoke stupnjeve osobne higijene. Jelovnik djeteta jasličke dobi treba imati namjernice s optimalnim unosom energije, svih hranjivih tvari, vitamina, minerala u svakodnevnom jelovniku uz raznovrsnu prehranu u kojoj prevladavaju sve skupine namjernica. Prema piramidi pravilne prehrane namirnice su podijeljene u šest grupa: žitarice, povrće i voće, mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi, meso, masti i slatkiši na kraju koje treba jesti u najmanjim količinama. Vizualni izgled hrane, stola kao i atmosfera u blagovaoni trebaju kod djece buditi želju i potrebu za jelom. Medicinska sestra potiče na pravilan način života, na pravilnu prehranu, brine o zdravstvenoj zaštiti djece, higijenskim i sanitarnim uvjetima te unapređenju zdravog okruženja. Kompetentno učestvuje u poslovanju i funkcioniranju tima stručnjaka vrtića. Najznačajnija je uloga primjenjivati preporučene mjere zdravstvene zaštite djece u vrtiću, u skladu s važećim Sustavom zdravstvene zaštite, higijene i prehrane djece, te Zakonu o predškolskom odgoju. U ovom radu primarni zadatak je bio utvrditi mišljenje roditelja o pravilnoj prehrani i prehrambenim navikama djece. U radu su se određivali obroci koje pojedino dijete ima u vrtiću i kod kuće te razlikuju li se prehrambene navike kod kuće i u vrtiću. Cilj je bio da se utvrde razlike i navike djece kod kuće i u vrtiću. A nursery child or toddler is a child between the first and third year of life,who after the infant period, has another period of it's life that can have an impact on growth and development in the future. Proper nutrition is important for proper growth and development at any age, and it is especially important for those periods in which the child grows the fastest and develops the most intensively. As early as in the nursery age , with proper nutrition, we can have a preventive effect on the appearance of pathological changes and chronic diseases that can occur in adulthood, and malignant diseases who can also occur in addition to these chronic diseases. Many children use these habits in their later life, because acquiring good habits in kindergartens leads to health in the future. Child nutrition in kindergarten is not only the fulfillment of children's daily energy and nutritional needs, but is an important part of the educational process in which the child acquires knowledge, skills and abilities and forms attitudes about the importance of nutrition. At the age of 1-3 years, the child draws most of its energy from carbohydrates, while fats decrease. The need for vitamins and minerals is greater, so it is recommended that the child have 3 main meals and 2 snacks. Every person who works in the preparation and storage of food must maintain a high level of personal hygiene. The menu of a nursery-age child should include foods with optimal intake of energy, all nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in the daily menu, along with a varied diet that includes all groups of foods. According to the pyramid of proper nutrition, food is divided into six groups: cereals, vegetables and fruits, milk and milk products, meat, fats and sweets, which should be eaten in the smallest quantities. The aesthetic appearance of the food, the table as well as the atmosphere in the dining room, should arouse the desire and need to eat within the children. The nurse encourages a adequate lifestyle, proper nutrition, care for children's health care, hygienic and sanitary conditions and the improvement of a healthy environment. The nurse competently participates in the work and activities of the kindergarten's professional team. Her most important role is to implement prescribed health protection measures for children in kindergarten in accordance with the Laws. The aim of this graduation thesis was to examine parents views on proper nutrition and eating habits of children. This determined the meals that an individual child has in kindergarten and at home, and whether the eating habits at home and in kindergarten differ. The goal was to determine the differences and habits of children at home and in kindergarten.
Databáze: OpenAIRE