Knowledge and attitudes of nursing professionals in relation to catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) prevention

Autor: Radoš, Renata
Přispěvatelé: Meštrović, Tomislav
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Veliki teret zdravstvenog sustava cijelog svijeta predstavljaju intrahospitalne infekcije. Definiramo ih kao infekcije koje nastaju 48 sati nakon početka bivanja u bolnici ili pak 14 dana od otpusta iz bolnice, a uzrok su im multirezistentni mikroorganizmi. Intrahospitalne ili nozokomijalne infekcije posljedično svom nastanku uzrokuju povećanje smrtnosti i troškova liječenja bolesnika te produžuju vrijeme boravka u bolnici. U intrahospitalne infekcije ubrajaju se i infekcije mokraćnog sustava povezanih s urinarnim kateterom. Brojne su smjernice izdane kao i preventivne mjere u svrhu sprječavanja čestih i skupih infekcija zdravstvene skrbi obzirom na kliničke i financijske posljedice infekcija u/s kateterizacije. U cilju povećanja kvalitete zdravstvene skrbi, potrebna je stalna edukacija medicinskog osoblja i širenje novih spoznaja. Upravo u tu svrhu, provedeno je presječno istraživanje u periodu od 06. travnja do 09. svibnja 2022. godine među medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima zaposlenima u struci putem online upitnika u obliku Google obrasca čijim rješavanjem ispitanici pristaju na istraživanje, a njihovo je sudjelovanje anonimno. Upitnik se sastojao od 3 dijela. U prvom dijelu ispitani su sociodemografski podaci, zatim je ispitano znanje putem pitanja o indikacijama za uvođenje katetera te mjerama prevencije infekcija mokraćnog sustava povezanih s kateterom. U zadnjem dijelu ispitani su stavovi o prevenciji istoimenih infekcija. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati znanje i stavove medicinskih sestara/tehničara o infekcijama mokraćnog sustava povezanih s kateterom. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 143 ispitanika, dobnog raspona između 21 i 63 godine života. Najučestalija mjesta rada ispitanika bila su odjel intenzivnog liječenja, odjel kirurgije, interne medicine te zavod za hitnu medicinu. Najveći udio sudionika bio je ženskog spola (94,60%), završenog preddiplomskog studija sestrinstva (48,30%). Po pitanju radnog staža, ispitanici su najčešće imali 10 ili više godina radnog staža (62,20%). Tijekom prethodnog mjeseca, najveći broj sudionika je urinski kateter uvodio jednom ili nijednom (42,00%). Uglavnom je svim sudionicima bio poznat protokol za njegu ili prevenciju infekcije mokraćnog sustava povezane s kateterom (86,70%). Što se tiče dodatnih edukacija na mjestu rada o infekcijama mokraćnog sustava povezana s kateterom, većina je sudionika izjavila kako nije dobila dodatnu edukaciju o istom (72,00%). Zaključno, znanje i stavovi medicinskih sestara i tehničara igraju važnu ulogu u prevenciji infekcija mokraćnog sustava povezanih s kateterom zbog čega je upravo edukacija medicinskog osoblja najvažnija karika lanca prevencije. Nosocomial infections are a major burden on the health system of the whole world. We define them as infections that occur 48 hours after the start of the hospital stay or 14 days after discharge from the hospital, and are caused by multiresistant microorganisms. Intrahospital or nosocomial infections, as a result of their occurrence, cause an increase in mortality and treatment costs of patients and prolong the length of stay in the hospital. Intrahospital infections also include urinary tract infections associated with urinary catheters. Numerous guidelines have been issued as well as preventive measures in order to prevent frequent and costly healthcare infections, considering the clinical and financial consequences of u/s catheterization infections. In order to increase the quality of health care, it is necessary to constantly educate the medical staff and spread new knowledge. Precisely for this purpose, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in the period from April 6 to May 9, 2022, among nurses and technicians employed in the profession through an online questionnaire in the form of a Google form, by solving which the respondents agree to the research, and their participation is anonymous. The questionnaire consisted of 3 parts. In the first part, sociodemographic data were examined, then knowledge was examined through questions about indications for catheter insertion and measures to prevent urinary tract infections related to catheters. In the last part, attitudes about the prevention of infections of the same name were examined. The aim of the study was to examine the knowledge and attitudes of nurses/technicians about catheter-related urinary tract infections. 143 respondents, aged between 21 and 63, took part in the research. The most frequent places of work of the respondents were the intensive care unit, the surgery unit, the internal medicine unit and the emergency medicine unit. The largest share of participants was female (94.60%), having completed undergraduate studies in nursing (48.30%). In terms of seniority, respondents most often had 10 or more years of seniority (62.20%). During the previous month, the largest number of participants inserted a urinary catheter once or never (42.00%). Basically, all participants were familiar with the protocol for the care or prevention of catheter-related urinary tract infection (86.70%). Regarding additional workplace education about catheter-related urinary tract infections, the majority of participants stated that they did not receive additional education about the same (72.00%). In conclusion, the knowledge and attitudes of nurses and technicians play an important role in the prevention of catheter-related urinary tract infections, which is why the education of medical personnel is the most important link in the chain of prevention.
Databáze: OpenAIRE