Project of making promotional video for undergraduate professional study of Multimedia, Design and Application

Autor: Klasnić, Ana
Přispěvatelé: Matković, Dragan
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2018
Popis: U ovom radu objašnjen je projekt izrade videoreklame i prikazana jedna verzija realizacije videoreklame o preddiplomskom stručnom studiju Multimedije, oblikovanja i primjene. Način odabira sadržaja kod izrade videoreklame rezultat je željenog prikaza jedinstvenosti ovog studija i motivacije mladih i ambicioznih osoba da karijeru započnu studiranjem na Sveučilištu Sjever. Promotivne videoreklame predstavljaju jednosmjernu vrstu komunikacije u kojoj se predstavlja proizvod ili usluga klijentima ili kupcima. Obično su kratkog vremenskog trajanja zbog lakšeg pamćenja poruke koja se prenosi i kako bi ostavio što veći utisak na gledatelja. Proces izrade uključuje istraživanje, razradu scenarija, odabir mjesta i vremena snimanja, tehničke opreme i načina snimanja, te na samom kraju slijedi spajanje materijala u jedinstvenu cjelinu. Misija je doprijeti do željene ciljane publike. U kratkim crtama opisane su karakteristike videokamera i mobilnog uređaja pomoću kojeg je rađen i sam projekt. Objašnjen je i prikazan proces realizacije s ograničenim sredstvima i ljudskim resursima. Opisana su moguća poboljšanja produkcije, uz koja sredstva i na koje načine je realizacija mogla biti kvalitetnija. Reklama traje dvadeset i četiri sekunde i napravljena je u svrhu promocije, kako bi budući studenti dobili realan uvid u studiranje na Sveučilištu Sjever. Osim toga, ova videoreklama dokazuje kolika je uspješnost videoprodukcije uz nizak budžet. This paper explains the project of making a video commercial and a version of the realization the video commercial about the undergraduate study of Multimedia, design and application. The method of selecting the content when making a video is the result of the desired presentation of uniqueness of this study and trying to motivate young and amibitious people to start their career at the University of North. Promotional video commercials represent a one-way type of communication in which a product or service is presented to customers. Usually, they last a short time to make it easier to memorize the message being transmitted and to leave as much impression on the viewer as possible. The process involves research, elaboration of scenarios, choice of places and recording time, technical equipment and recording methods, and at the very end, the merging of the material into a final product. The mission is to reach the desired target audience. This paper shortly describes the characteristics of a camcorder and a mobile device with which the project itself was made. The process of realization with limited resources and human resources is explained and illustrated. The possible improvements of the production are described, with the means and ways in which the realization could be made better. The video commercial lasts twenty-four seconds and is made for promotion so future students can get a real insight into studying at the University of North. In addition, this video is proof of the success of video production with a low budget.
Databáze: OpenAIRE