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Tema ovog rada je izrada kostura na gotovom 3D modelu te njegova implementacija u animiranju. U radu su navedeni, opisani i prikazani svi koraci koji su potrebni za uspješno kreiranje jednostavnog ljudskog kostura, bojanje utega, jednostavno animiranje lika te kamera. Za izradu rada odabrani su programi Autodesk Maya i Adobe Premiere. U Autodesk Mayi se odvija kompletna izrada kostura, izrada kontrola i animiranje. Nakon renderiranja u Mayi se dobe sličice koje se pomoću Adobe Premiere-a spajaju u kontinuirani slijed, dodaje se glazba, montiraju se scene po potrebi te se za kraj renderira da se dobije gotova animacija u odabranom formatu. The theme of this paper is the creation of a skeleton on a prepared 3D model and its implementation in animation. The paper presents and explains all the steps and tools that are needed for character rigging, painting weights, animating and camera placement. Autodesk Maya and Adobe Premiere are the tools that have been selected to create the project. The process of character rigging and animation is done in Autodesk Maya. After rendering of the animation in Maya, the result are pictures that must be put together with the help of Adobe Premiere to get a continuous sequence of images, combine it with music, edit the scenes as needed to get the finished animation through the final render. |