A correlational analysis of pre-roll video ads on YouTube and the amount of time users spend on YouTube

Autor: Barešić, Florijan
Přispěvatelé: Vuković, Dijana
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: U ovom radu pokušava se predstaviti povezanost između pre-roll video oglasa i samog vremena kojeg korisnici provode na platformi YouTube. Pokušava se saznati postoji li potencijalna opasnost gubitka količine vremena kojeg korisnici provode na platformi, prouzročeno izloženosti oglasima na platformi. Platforma YouTube prvi put se na internetu pojavila 2005. godine, te je od samog početka najuspješnija platforma za objavu videozapisa. Osim što je platforma, ujedno je i društvena mreža koja omogućava komunikaciju s drugim korisnicima, na primjer, putem komentara na videozapisima. Oglasi igraju ulogu na platformi od samih početaka te su se oglasi s godinama mijenjali i prilagođavali novim potrebama i trendovima. U današnje vrijeme se oglasi dijele na Skippable in-stream oglase, Non-skippable in-stream oglase, In-feed video oglase, Bumper oglase, Outstream oglase i Masthead oglase. Empirijski dio rada fokusira se na pre-roll video oglase (što je potkategorija video oglasa) i vremena koje korisnici provode na platformi. Pre-roll video oglasi su oglasi koji se pojavljuju prilikom odabira videozapisa te se isti pokreću direktno prije nego što se odabrani videozapis pokrene. Autor je ovim radom pokušao pronaći poveznicu između ove vrste oglasa i pada količine vremena provođenja na platformi od strane korisnika, te utvrditi postojeće rizike za platformu. This paper attempts to present the connection between pre-roll video ads and the time users spend on the YouTube platform. It tries to find out if there is a potential risk of losing the amount of time users spend on the platform, caused by exposure to ads on the platform. The YouTube platform first appeared on the Internet in 2005, and has been the most successful video publishing platform since its inception. In addition to being a platform, it is also a social network that allows you to communicate with other users, for example, through comments on videos. Ads have played a role on the platform from the very beginning, and ads have changed over the years and adapted to new needs and trends. Nowadays, ads are divided into Skippable in-stream ads, Non-skippable in-stream ads, In-feed video ads, Bumper ads, Outstream ads and Masthead ads. The empirical part of the paper focuses on pre-roll video ads (which is a subcategory of video ads) and the time users spend on the platform. Pre-roll video ads are ads that appear when a video is selected and run immediately before the selected video starts. With this paper, the author tried to find a link between this type of ads and the amount of time spent on the platform by users, and to determine the existing risks for the platform.
Databáze: OpenAIRE