The role of material and non-material compensation in the work of nursing professionals: a cross-sectional monocentric study

Autor: Petrić Zajec, Kristina
Přispěvatelé: Meštrović, Tomislav
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Za motivaciju svih zaposlenih koriste se različite motivacijske taktike a najviše se koriste materijalne i nematerijalne strategije. Medicinske sestre i tehničari, koji su zadovoljni na svom radnom mjestu, manje izostaju s posla, kvalitetnije rade te su i zadovoljniji svojim životom. Vrlo je bitno znati što motivira i zadovoljava sve medicinske sestre/tehničare na radnom mjestu jer, ne samo da to utječe na njihov rad, nego i na organizaciju u kojoj rade. Motivirani i zadovoljni zaposlenici bitni su u radu i napredovanju svakog odjela kao i same organizacije kao i vlastitog postignuća. Ustanove bi trebale poticati i razvijati strategije za motivaciju svojih zaposlenika jer zaposlenici, koji imaju veću razinu zadovoljstva i motivacije, su produktivniji, učinkovitiji, raspoloženiji te postižu svaki cilj. Zdravstvenim djelatnicima važni su čimbenici za rad, a to su motivacija i zadovoljstvo. Ako su pojedinci zadovoljni na svom radnom mjestu, to utječe na veću razinu kvalitete u zdravstvu, njihovu dostupnost i učinkovitost. Provedeno je istraživanje kojim se željelo saznati što je medicinskim sestrama bitnije, materijalne ili nematerijalne kompenzacije u svojem radu. Jesu li to međuljudski odnosi na poslu? Koliko im je bitno napredovanje na poslu ili pohvala? Dobivaju li pohvale ili priznanja od svojih nadređenih? Istraživanje se provelo u Specijalnoj bolnici za medicinsku rehabilitaciju Krapinske Toplice. Sudjelovalo je 70 medicinskih sestara/tehničara. Od toga je samo 10 muških i 60 ženskih sudionika. Prema dobivenim rezultatima vidimo da se većina ispitanika odlučuje za materijalne kompenzacije poput plaće i bonusa te da im je novčana komponenta izuzetno bitna kao i slobodni dani. Pohvale su nešto manje bitne, ali bi one trebale biti dio u komunikaciji koji se dešava svakodnevno jer tako gradimo samopouzdanje i povjerenje zaposlenika. Various motivational tactics are used to motivate employees. These are mainly material and non-material strategies. Nurses and medical technicians who are satisfied at their workplace are less absent from work, are better at what they do, and are, therefore, more satisfied with their lives. It is crucial to know what motivates and contributes to the satisfaction of all nurses/medical technicians in the workplace since it affects not only their jobs but also the organizations they work for. Motivated and satisfied employees are essential in the operation and progress of every department and organization. In addition to that, they are focused on their success. Institutions should encourage and develop strategies for better motivation of their employees since employees whose levels of satisfaction and motivation are higher are also more productive and more efficient, in a better mood, and able to achieve every goal. For healthcare professionals, the key factors are motivation and satisfaction with work. The latter contributes to a higher level of quality of healthcare, as well as the worker’s availability and efficiency. The research was conducted to determine which type of compensation is more important to nurses at their workplace – material or non-material. Are interpersonal relationships at work the most essential factor; how important to them is promotion at work or praise; do they receive praise or recognition from their superiors? The research was conducted in the Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation in Krapinske Toplice. Out of 70 nurses/medical technicians that participated in the research, 60 were female and only 10 of them were male. According to the obtained results, the majority of respondents opt for material compensation, such as salary and bonuses, and think that the monetary component and their days off are extremely important. Praises are somewhat less important to them, but they think that these should constitute a part of everyday communication since this is how the confidence and trust of employees are built.
Databáze: OpenAIRE