Autor: Jušić, Petar
Přispěvatelé: Budić, Hrvoje
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Zalihe su ublaživači između tokova ulaza i izlaza materijalnih dobara. Pravodobnu opskrbu korisnika uz što povoljnije troškove nabava treba realizirati u skladu sa načinom proizvodnje i situacijom na tržištu, kako bi osiguralo odvijanje procesa reprodukcije bez zastoja. Planiranje načina nabavljanja učinkovito se odvija kroz planiranje rokova i planiranje količina nabave. Sustav nabavljanja je sređeni postupak opskrbe poduzeća potrebnim predmetima rada, a cilj mu je da uz što manje troškove nabavljanja ostvari sigurno zadovoljenje potreba korisnika u procesu reprodukcije. S obzirom kako nije uvijek moguće, niti ekonomično, sinkronizirati isporuke i potrošnju predmeta rada, potrebno je držati zalihe kako bi se u kratkom roku mogle zadovoljiti potrebe za predmetima rada. Zalihe ne smiju biti niti prevelike, niti premalene jer i premalene i prevelike uzrokuju probleme poduzeću. Vinarija Galić je suvremena vinarija na našem području, poduzeće se bavi preradom grožđa i proizvodnjom visokokvalitetnih vina s površinom na 60ha vlastitih vinograda, proizvodnog kapaciteta do 330.000 litara. Arhiva poduzeća ima mnogo naslova, ali poduzeće ima misiju koja nije u potpunosti ostvarena, te u poduzeću žele izraziti ogroman potencijal svojih vinograda i pomiriti sve ono novo što im preostaje otkriti s baštinom slavonskih ukusa koja uključuje tradiciju, kulturu, poljoprivredu, umjetnički i književni identitet. Stocks are buffers between the input and output flows of material goods. Timely supply of users with the most favorable procurement costs will need to be realized in accordance with the method of production and the market situation, in order to ensure the smooth reproduction process. Procurement planning is done effectively through scheduling and procurement quantity planning. The procurement system is a streamlined process of supplying the company with the necessary items of work, and the goal is to achieve the safe satisfaction of the needs of users in the process of reproduction with the lowest possible procurement cost. Since it is not always possible and not always economical, to synchronize deliveries and consumption of work items, it is necessary to keep stocks so that the needs for the work items can be met in the short term. Inventories should be neither too large or too small because both too small and too large can cause problems for the company. Galić Winery is a modern winery in our area, the company produces high quality wines, with an area of 60 hectares of its own vineyards, production capacity up to 330,000 liters. The company's archives have many titles, but the company has a mission that is not fully realized, and the company wants to express the huge potential of its vineyards and reconcile all the new things they have to discover with the heritage of Slavonian flavors that includes tradition, culture, agriculture, artistic and literary identity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE