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Ovim radom predstavit će se Europski strukturni i investicijski fondovi za programsko razdoblje 2014.-2020. godine. Opisujući politike Europske unije i ciljeve djelovanja istih, stječe se informativni uvid u aktivnosti i djelovanja koja se financiraju iz Europskog proračuna. S obzirom na velike novčane iznose i utjecajnost projekata od važnosti je definirati i navesti ključne temelje i okvire o kojima u konačnici ovisi alokacija novčanih sredstva iz fondova, što se u radu kroz drugo i treće poglavlje javlja, ukratko ulazeći u strukture potrebne za provedbu fondova u Republici Hrvatskoj. Kroz rad se, kao glavnu temu, predstavlja 5 fondova koji se zbog lakšeg pregleda dijele u dva poglavlja, prema ključnim politikama koje podupiru. Poljoprivredna i ribarstvena politika konkretno se financira iz Europskog poljoprivrednog fonda za ruralni razvoj te Europskog fonda za pomorstvo i ribarstvo, čiji glavni prioriteti se navode, opisuju i objašnjavaju u samom radu. Kohezijska politika prema podatcima analiziranim i prezentiranim u radu je od presudnog značaja i obuhvaća izravno tri fonda; Kohezijski fond, Europski fond za regionalni razvoj i Europski socijalni fond. U poglavlju koje obrađuje ta tri fonda, njihova opširna područja djelovanja su sažeta i pregledno opisana te upućuju na detaljnije informacije kroz osnovne smjernice. Nakon pregleda osi za alociranje sredstava u poglavljima koja se tiču Europskih strukturnih i investicijskih fondova, uz svaki fond se na kraju predstavlja i komentira primjer projektne prijave prikladan za financiranje. Djelujući paralelno u svrhu postizanja ciljeva postavljenih u Strategiji Europa 2020. sadržaj rada dovodi do zaključka o velikim mogućnostima i potrebi za iskorištenosti istih sa što većim uspjehom kao garancijom za opći boljitak Hrvatske. The purpose of this work is to present European Structural and Investment Funds for the programming period between 2014 and 2020. The informative insight into the activities and actions which are funded by the European budget is acquired by describing the policy of European Union as well as its objectives. Considering huge amounts of money and influence of the projects it is important to define and to list key foundations and frames by which, in the end, the allocations of funds depends. This is mentioned in the second and the third part of this work where the structures, needed to conduct funds in Republic of Croatia, are described in brief. As a main subject, five funds are presented. These funds are separated into two chapters (according to the policies that they support) in order to be easily revised. Agricultural and fishery policy is directly funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, and by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. Their main objectives are explained and described in the given work. According to the analysed and presented data in this work, Cohesion policy is very important and directly includes three funds: Cohesion fund, European regional development fund and European social fund. In the chapter where these three funds are mentioned, their extensive area of activity is summarized and clearly described. They also refer to the detailed information through the basic guidelines. After reviewing the axis for allocating funds in chapters which refer to European Structural and Investment Funds, every fund is presented and the example of project application suitable for funding is commented. In order to achieve goals which are placed in Strategy Europe 2020. the content of this work leads to the conclusion about great possibilities as well as the need for utilization of these goals for the bigger success as the guarantee for the general Croatian prosperity. |