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Cilj ovog završnog rada je analizirati položaj i ovlasti carinskih službenika u Carinskoj upravi kao upravnoj organizaciji. Pri tome se polazi od prikaza carinske uprave kao upravne organizacije, kroz zakonsko određenje i ispunjavanje specifičnih obilježja upravnih organizacija. Centralni dio rada bavi se pitanjima carinskih službenika, odnosno njihovim položajem i ovlastima. Rad se dotiče i pitanja carine u Europskoj uniji, s obzirom da je Republika Hrvatska, već više od pet godina u tome članstvu. Svrha rada je prezentirati položaj i ovlasti carinskih službenika, a samim time važnost njihovog posla kako za domaće, tako i za tržište Europske unije. Položaj i ovlasti carinskog službenika pokazati će koliko se posao carinskog službenik zahtjevan i kompleksan. Obraditi će se ovlasti koje je hrvatska carina dobila ulaskom u članstvo Europske unije. Završnim radom približiti će se određeni pojmovi i opsezi posla djelatnika, ali i pojasniti pojmovi koji se često smatraju istima. The goal of final work is to analyze the position and powers of customs officials in the Customs Administration as an administrative organization. It starts from the presentation of the Customs Administration as an administrative organization, through the legal definition and fulfillment of the specific features of the administrative organizations. The central part of the work deals with the issues of customs officials, respectivelytheir position and powers. Work is also concerned with customs issues in the European Union, given that the Republic of Croatia has been in the membership for more than five years. The purpose of the final work is to present the position and authority of customs officials, and also the importance of their work for both domestic and European Union markets. The position and powers of a customs officer will show how much the job of a customs officer is demanding and complex. The authority that Croatian Customs got by become members of the European Union will be processed. Final work will approach certain concepts and scope to the work of the employees, but also clarify terms that are often considered the same. |