Autor: Vuković, Mihaela
Přispěvatelé: Vitez Pandžić, Marijeta
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Ovim radom cilj je prikazati rješavanje upravne stvari o kojoj se rješava u upravnom postupku. Osim teorije upravnog postupka, primijenit će se i praktičan primjer iz prakse. Upravni postupak reguliran je Zakonom o općem upravnom postupku. Kroz rad detaljnije će se obraditi načela upravnog postupka, odnos općeg i posebnog upravnog postupka te upravna stvar i ovlast za rješavanje upravne stvari. Da bi došlo do pokretanja upravnog postupka potrebno je odrediti upravnu stvar. Kroz rad opisat će se načini rješavanja upravne stvari, odnosno neposredno rješavanje upravne stvari i rješavanje upravne stvari ispitnim postupkom. Izrazito je važno poznavati prava i dužnosti koja strankama po zakonu pripadaju, tako da će se u ovom radu navesti prava i dužnosti koje pripadaju strankama prilikom provedbe ispitnog postupka. U radu će biti opisani dokazi i dokazna sredstva koja su potrebna kako bi se utvrdilo činjenično stanje kao i postupak donošenja rješenja i dostava u upravnom postupku. Zatim će se opisati redovni i izvanredni pravni lijekovi te postupak i ovlasti prvostupanjskog i drugostupanjskog tijela u povodu žalbe. Svaki teoretski dio bit će detaljno objašnjen na praktičnom primjeru. The aim of this work is to show the solving of the administrative matter that is solved in the administrative procedure. Besides the theory of administrative procedure, there will be a implementation and practical example of practice. Administration procedure is regulated by the General Administrative Procedure Act. Through out the work, there will be more specific references about principles of administrative procedure, the relationship between general and specific administrative procedure and administrative matters, so as the power to resolve administrative matters. In order to initiate administrative proceedings, it is necessary to determine the administrative matter. Through the work, there will be elaborated the methods of solving administrative matters, and directly execution of administrative matters and the solving of the administrative matter through the examination procedure. It is extremely important to understand the rights and duties which belong to parties by the law, so that this work also covers the rights and duties which belong to parties during the examination procedure. The paper will outline the evidence and evidence that are needed to determine the facts as well as the decision-making process and delivery in the administrative procedure. Then, there will be described regular and extraordinary remedies, as well as the procedure and authority of the first instance and second instance body in the appeal. Each theoretical part will be explained in detail in a practical example.
Databáze: OpenAIRE