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U ovom završnom radu biti će obrađen pojam logistike, logistički podsustavi poduzeća, logistika distribucije i njene glavne odluke, te logistika distribucije na primjeru poduzeća KTC d.d. iz Kutine. Poseban naglasak biti će na definiranju logističkih podsustava kao što su izvršavanje narudžbi, zalihe, skladištenje, pakiranje i transport. Biti će objašnjene glavne odluke logistike distribucije, kao što je izbor kanala distribucije, novi koncepti kanala distribucije, izbor zastupnika ili trgovačkog putnika, određivanje razina i broja skladišta, izbor vlastitog ili tuđeg skladišta, izbor vlastitog ili tuđeg transporta, razmatranje „proizvoditi ili kupovati, određivanje najmanje jedinice narudžbe, izbor transportnog sredstva i planiranje prijevoza te logistika rezervnih dijelova. Važan naglasak je na tome da sve navedene odluke distribucije moraju biti strategijske. Svrha ovog završnog rada je dokazati kroz teorijska istraživanja važnost distribucije u ukupnom poslovnom procesu nekog poduzeća i detaljno objašnjena pomna planiranja koja koristi poduzeće KTC d.d. u Kutini kako bi unaprijedili konkurentnost svog poslovanja. In this final paper, the concept of logistics, logistics subsystems of companies, distribution logistics and its main decisions will be discussed, as well as the distribution logistics of the company KTC d.d. from Kutina. Special emphasis will be placed on defining logistics subsystems such as orders execution, inventory, warehousing, packaging and transport. The main decisions of the distribution logistics will be explained, such as the choice of distribution channels, new distribution channel concepts, choice of a representative or a commercial traveller, determination of the levels and number of warehouses, choice of own or somebody else’s warehouse, selection of own or somebody else’s transport, considering whether “to produce or to buy”, determination of the lowest order unit, choice of means of transport, transportation planning and spare parts logistics. An important point is that all the above-mentioned distribution decisions must be strategic. The purpose of this final paper is to prove through theoretical research the importance of distribution in the overall business process of a company and elaborate careful planning of the company KTC d.d. in Kutina to enhance the competitiveness of their business |