Promjene u zajedničkoj politici migracije i azila Europske unije uslijed migracijske krize 2015./2016. godine
Autor: | Mateša, Katarina |
Přispěvatelé: | Jakešević, Ružica |
Jazyk: | chorvatština |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: |
The Refugee Crisis in 2015. was the ultimate test of the European Union's functionality. The current asylum policy
proved to be ineffective asylum and external border management policies of the Union that were adopted before and after the Migration Crisis 2015/2016. and point out the main problems and disadvantages of the system. Key words: refugee crisis Schengen space migrants migration policy and all the weaknesses of the system emerged. One of the biggest problems facing the Union in dealing with migrants is certainly the division of member states into the policies they decide to follow. The migration crisis has further deepened the problems and disagreements among EU members asylum policy as well as the external border management policy which have not yet found the right solution. The aim of the paper was to compare the common migration |
Popis: | Izbjeglička kriza 2015. godine bila je ultimativni test funkcionalnosti Europske unije. Dotadašnja politika azila, ali i politika upravljanja vanjskim granicama pokazala se neučinkovitom i time su na vidjelo izašle sve slabosti sustava. Jedan od najvećih problema Unije po pitanju zbrinjavanja migranata svakako je podijeljenost zemalja članica u politikama koje odlučuju slijediti. Upravo je migrantska kriza dodatno produbila probleme i nesuglasice među članicama Europske unije, koje još uvijek nisu pronašle odgovarajuće rješenje. Cilj rada bio je usporediti zajedničke politike migracija, azila, ali i upravljanja vanjskim granicama Unije koje su donesene prije i nakon Migracijske krize 2015./2016. godine te ukazati na glavne probleme i nedostatke sustava. The Refugee Crisis in 2015. was the ultimate test of the European Union's functionality. The current asylum policy, as well as the external border management policy, proved to be ineffective, and all the weaknesses of the system emerged. One of the biggest problems facing the Union in dealing with migrants is certainly the division of member states into the policies they decide to follow. The migration crisis has further deepened the problems and disagreements among EU members, which have not yet found the right solution. The aim of the paper was to compare the common migration, asylum and external border management policies of the Union that were adopted before and after the Migration Crisis 2015/2016. and point out the main problems and disadvantages of the system. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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