Representation of the Woman through the 'Male Gaze' in Specialized Women's Online Magazines in Croatia

Autor: Stanković, Dunja
Přispěvatelé: Car, Viktorija, Beck, Boris, Dragojević, Sanjin
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Budući da je koncept „muškog pogleda“ nedovoljno istražen u kontekstu medijskih sadržaja u Hrvatskoj, kao i da se većina studija do sada ticala analize ženskih časopisa, a ne portala koji se sve više koriste uslijed digitalizacije, ovaj rad istražuje kako su žene na specijaliziranim online portalima u Hrvatskoj prikazane kroz „muški pogled“. Rad nastoji pokazati kako se „muški pogled“ na odabranim portalima perpetuira kada su autorice sadržaja žene. Okosnica istraživanja zapravo je paradoks u kojem žene pišu sadržaje za žene, ali kroz „muški pogled“. Kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja na namjernom uzorku od 25 članaka objavljenih na portalima,, Ž, i pokazano je kako se u svim dijelovima sadržaja (naslovu, nadnaslovu, podnaslovu, tijelu teksta te fotografijama) može uočiti više kategorija „muškog pogleda“. Žena se kroz „muški pogled“ prikazuje tako što se njezin fizički izgled opisuje kroz prizmu onoga što je privlačno muškarcu te isticanjem dijelova njezina tijela, kroz kategoriju ljepote u kojoj se također ističe ono što muškarac shvaća lijepim te se spominju konstrukti poput izgleda žene za brak i žene za seks, isticanje ljepote prirodnog izgleda kao i nesavršenosti koje su muškarcima privlačne. Uz sve to, žena se prikazuje i kao seksualni objekt, svodeći ju na predmet muških požuda. Muškarac se pritom prikazuje kao aktivan u odnosu na ženu koja je pasivna, a ljubavni odnos predstavlja glavni izvor njezine sreće, postaje imperativ, dio njezina identiteta, ali i spas. Kroz te se kategorije zapravo perpetuira „muški pogled“ koji inače pretpostavlja da muškarci kreiraju sadržaj namijenjen za heteroseksualnog muškarca u publici tako da zadovolji njegove potrebe.
When it comes to media content, the male gaze concept has not been the topic of much researches. Moreover, a lot of studies have previously focused on women's magazines, rather than online magazines whose use has been increased due to now present digitalization. Therefore, this paper explores how women are represented through the male gaze concept in the women's online magazines in Croatia. Precisely, the paper shows how the male gaze perpetuates on mentioned online magazines when the authors are women. The main focus of the research is a paradox in which the female authors write for the female audience but through a male gaze. The qualitative content analysis has been done on 25 articles and their photos, titles, subtitles and body of the article that were published in online magazines,, Ž, and The analysis showed that male gaze in these articles presents itself in a couple of categories. Woman's physical appearance is described by highlighting certain parts of her body and through the prism of what is attractive to men. When it comes to beauty, articles also put an emphasis on what a man perceives as beautiful. Therefore, there are a few constructs of beauty such as the beauty of a woman for marriage and woman for sex. The natural beauty and imperfections are also shown as attractive from the male point of view. Furthermore, woman is being portrayed as sexual object for male desires. Man is portrayed as the active one in relation to the woman who is passive, while their relationship becomes a part of her identity, is an imperative, her salvation, and overall the main source of her happiness. All of these categories perpetuate the male gaze, a concept that implies that men create content from the male point of view for the male audience in a way that will meet man's needs. That way, a woman is the bearer of the look while a man is the bearer of the meaning. male gaze, women's online magazines, specialized online magazines, objectification, woman, Croatia
Databáze: OpenAIRE