Novinarstvo i deliberacija: primjer revitalizacije karlovačke Zvijezde

Autor: Rogić, Ana
Přispěvatelé: Perišin, Tena, Matan, Ana, Dragojević, Sanjin
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: Politika i novinarstvo posljednjih godina imaju jedan zajednički problem, a to je nepovjerenje građana u njihov rad. Kako bi se to promijenilo, i kod jednih i kod drugih, pokušava se drugačijim pristupom građanima potaknuti njihova participacija. Deliberacija kao jedna od metoda kojima se to želi postići obuhvaća radionice, ankete, panel diskusije i kao glavni događaj – deliberativnu raspravu, a sve kako bi se, s građanima u glavnoj ulozi, temeljito raspravilo i promislilo određeni problem ili dobilo odogovor na neko pitanje. Kako izgleda proces provođenja jednog ovakvog projekta u radu će se prikazati na primjeru deliberativnog projekta Star Voice koji se provodi u Karlovcu na temu revitalizacije povijesne jezgre grada, Zvijezde, koja predstavlja problem već nekoliko desetljeća. Budući da je za raspravu o bilo kakvoj temi važna informiranost o istoj, ulogu medija u tome nije moguće zanemariti. Njihova je zadaća da ljude informiraju o problematici kako bi o temi mogli deliberirati, ali i izvješćuju o provođenju samog projekta. Ideja koncepta deliberativnog novinarstva koje se može shvatiti kao korak dalje u poticanju građanske participacije, ne obuhvaća samo izvještavanje, već problematiziranje, zalaganje za određene ideje i predlaganje rješenja. Društvene mreže danas omogućuju izravnu interakciju vlasti i medija s publikom te međusobnu razmjenu sadržaja i informacija. Voditelji karlovačkog projekta, građani i sami mediji definitivno su prepoznali važnost stalnog prisustva na društvenim mrežama, dok temeljitiji, istraživački pristup obradi temi u lokalnim medijima i dalje ostaje pomalo zanemaren.
Lately politics and journalism have been confronting the same problem, citizens mainly consider them untrustworhty. To change that, both are trying to approach their audience differently in order to encourage them to engage more. One of the methods to achieve that, deliberation, consists of workshops, questionnaires, panels, and the main event – deliberative discussion. All of that is used in order to, with the citizens as main actors, thoroughly discuss and think a problem through or get an answer to a certain question. The paper will try to describe the process of completing a project like this by analyzing the deliberative project Star Voice which is dedicated to solving the problem of revitalization of the historical city center called “Zvijezda” (Star) which has been a problem for decades. Considering the fact that it is crucial to be well informed for a discussion about any topic the role of the media is impossible to ignore. The media are supposed to inform people about the topic so they could discuss the problem, as well as report about the progress of the project itself. The concept of deliberative journalism, which is actually a step forward when it comes to encouraging citizen participation, involves not only reporting, but also the deep analysis of the problem, advocating certain ideas and suggesting possible solutions. Social networks make the direct interaction of government and the media with the citizens possible, as well as the mutual interchange of information and content. Project managers of the Star Voice project, the citizens of Karlovac and the media itself are definitely aware of the importance of the constant presence on the social media, whilst the thorough, investigative approach of the local media to the topic is still pretty neglected.
Databáze: OpenAIRE