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Kolorektalni karcinom jedna je od najčešćih malignih bolesti u današnjoj populaciji.. Izbor liječenja ovisi o tipu, lokalizaciji i uznapredovalosti malignog procesa. Kemoterapija, kao jedan od oblika liječenja, podrazumijeva sustavno liječenje. Djeluje na tumorske stanice tako što sprečava njihov rast i razmnožavanje. Ima i štetan učinak na normalne zdrave tkivne stanice, naročito na one koje se ubrzano dijele, pa tako i na stanice usne šupljine. Najčešće nuspojave primjene kemoterapije u usnoj šupljini su mukozitis, infekcije sluznice, suhoća usta, poremećaj okusa, karijes i krvarenja. Stomatolog, primjenjujući odgovarajuće liječenje, ima važnu ulogu u prevenciji i ublažavanju simptoma koji nastaju kao posljedica primjene kemoterapije. Colorectal carcinoma is one of the most frequent malignant diseases in the present-day population. The choice of treatment depends on the type, localization and progress of the malignant process. Chemotherapy, as one of the forms of treatment, implies systemic therapy. It affects tumour cells by preventing their growth and multiplication. It also has a harmful effect on normal healthy tissue cells, particularly on those that divide rapidly, including oral cavity cells. The most common side effects of chemotherapy that appear in the oral cavity are mucositis, infections of the mucous membrane, dryness of the mouth, taste disorders, caries and bleeding. The stomatologist, using appropriate treatment, has an important role in the prevention and alleviation of symptoms that occur as a consequence of chemotherapy. |