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Lichen planus pemphigoides je rijetka imunobulozna bolest koja klinički i histopatološki sadrži značajke lihen planusa te buloznog ili cikatrizacijskog pemphigoida, ovisno zahvaća li bolest kožu ili mukozu. Dijagnoza LPP-a se temelji na kliničkim, histopatološkim i imunološkim značajkama koje pretpostavljaju istovremenu pojavu lihen planusa te buloznog ili cikatrizacijskog pemfigoida. Klinički, oralni LPP najčešće zahvaća gingivu i bukalnu sluznicu. Izgled lezija može varirati, ali su obično karakterizirane bijelim strijacijama (Wickhamove strije), erozijama, deskvamativnim gingivitisom, ulceracijama i ponekad bulama. Histopatološki, oralni LPP pokazuje značajke lihen planusa i/ili cikatrizacijskog pemfigoida. Do današnjeg dana, zbog samo 27 slučajeva s oralnim lezijama objavljenih u engleskoj literaturi, nismo u mogućnosti objasniti kompliciran odnos izmeĎu značajki lihen planusa i značajki cikatrizacijskog pemfigoida u pojavi LPP-a te samim tim, dati mu pripadajuće mjesto u sistematizaciji bolesti usne šupljine. Lichen planus pemphigoids is a rare immmunobullous disease which clinically and histopathologhically contains the features of lichen planus, and either bullous pemphigoid or mucous membrane pemphigoid, depending on whether it affects the skin or mucosa. The diagnosis of LPP is based on clinical, histopathologic and immunologic features that suggest the concurrence of both lichen planus and bullous or mucosal membrane pemphigoid. Clinically, oral LPP most frequently affects the gingiva and buccal mucosa. The appearance of the lesions can vary, but they are usually characterized by white striations (Wickham striae), erosions, desquamative gingivitis, ulcerations, and sometimes bullae. The histopathology of oral LPP demonstrates either features of lichen planus and/or MMP. To this day, due to only 27 cases of LPP with oral involvement that have been published in the English literature, we are still unable to determine the complex relationship between features of lichen planus and features of pemphigoid in the appearance of lichen planus pemphigoid, and therefore give it a proper place in the classification of oral diseases. |