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Rascjepi usne i nepca najčešće su prirođene malformacije koje zahvaćaju strukture lica. Djeca rođena s ovom vrstom malformacije imaju poteškoća s govorom, sluhom, dentalnim nepravilnostima i karakterističnim promjenama nosa i usne koje utječu na sva područja njihova života. Problematika ovih bolesnika značajna je s osobnog i društvenog stajališta, a najbolji uspjesi postižu se multidisciplinarnim pristupom. U timu za liječenje, osim maksilofacijalnog kirurga, sudjeluju neonatolog, anesteziolog, pedijatar, ortodont, otorinolaringolog-audiolog, logoped, dječji stomatolog, psiholog te socijalni radnik. Liječenje rascjepa dugotrajno je i kompleksno, a samo multidisciplinarni pristup omogućuje uspješan rezultat. Svaki član tima ima određenu, važnu, ulogu tijekom pojedinog životnog razdoblja rasta i razvoja djeteta. Niti jedan specijalist ne može sam pokriti sva područja u liječenju rascjepa usne i nepca, a timski pristup od najveće je koristi za dijete rođeno s ovom malformacijom. Postižući zadovoljavajuće estetske i funkcijske zahtjeve, svi stručnjaci zajedno pridonose boljoj kvaliteti života osoba s rascjepom. Kako je svaki rascjep specifičan i individualan, tako je i pristup svakom djetetu individualan. Malformacije kao što su rascjepi usne i nepca ne mogu se riješiti odmah, no pravovremenim uključivanjem pojedinih specijalista, liječenje će biti uspješno, a djeca se nakon toga ni po čemu neće razlikovati od svojih vršnjaka. Cleft lip and cleft palate are the most common birth defects affecting the facial structure. Children born with this type of malformation have difficulties with speech, hearing, as well as dental irregularities and characteristic changes associated with nose and lips, which affect all areas of their lives. The issues of these patients are significant from both personal and social point of view, and the best results are achieved through a multidisciplinary approach. Apart from the maxillofacial surgeon, the treatment team includes a neonatologist, anesthesiologist, pediatrician, orthodontist, otolaryngologist, speech therapist, pediatric dentist, psychologist, and a social worker. The cleft lip treatment is a long-term and complex one, and only the multidisciplinary approach leads to successful results. Each member of the team has a specific and important role during the particular period of child’s growth and development. A single specialist cannot cover all the areas in the cleft lip and palate treatment, so the multidisciplinary approach is the most beneficial to a child born with this malformation. By satisfying both the aesthetic and functional requirements, all the experts contribute to a better quality of life of the people born with cleft lip. As each cleft is individual and specific, so is the approach. Malformations such as cleft lip and cleft palate cannot be solved immediately, but with the timely involvement of certain specialists, the treatment will be successful and the children will not differ from their peers by any means. |