Tooth autotransplantation in children: a case report

Autor: Pende Čupić, Iva
Přispěvatelé: Glavina, Domagoj
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Autotransplantacija je postupak kojim se kod iste osobe zub ili zubni zametak prenosi iz jedne u drugu alveolu. Za autotransplantaciju najčešće se odabiru treći molari, impaktirani očnjaci ili mandibularni pretkutnjaci koji su se pokazali kao najbolja zamjena za izgubljene maksilarne sjekutiće. Najbolji rezultati očekuju se ako je transplantirani zub dosegao između 50 i 75 % svoga razvoja, a za uspjeh ovog zahvata iznimno je važno očuvanje zdravog parodontnog ligamenta transplantiranog zuba. Postotak preživljenja transplantiranih zuba je visok, a rezultate je moguće predvidjeti s relativno velikom sigurnosti. Komplikacije koje se mogu pojaviti su nekroza pulpe, resorpcija korijena zuba i ankiloza. Ova je metoda najčešće odabir u liječenju mladih pacijenata jer ne ometa rast i razvoj, a daje zadovoljavajuće estetske i funkcionalne rezultate. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati postupak autotransplantacije zuba kao moguće terapijske metode u liječenju komplikacija nastalih traumom zuba. Na mjesto središnjeg sjekutića pogođenog traumom transplantiran je drugi donji lijevi premolar. Dvije godine kasnije transplantirani zub je urednog kliničkog i radiološkog nalaza. Patološka mobilnost zuba nije uočena, gingiva je uredna, a kontura alveolarnog grebena očuvana. Pacijentica je zadovoljna estetskim rezultatima i funkcijom zuba. Uz pravilnu postavu indikacija i kiruršku tehniku autotransplantacija zuba je uspješna terapijska metoda nadoknade zuba u slučajevima kada su protetska i implantološka terapija kontraindicirane zbog nezavršenog rasta i razvoja orofacijalnih struktura pacijenta. Tooth autotransplantation is a procedure in which a tooth or tooth germ is transferred from one alveolus to another in the same person. For autotransplantation are third molars, impacted canines, or mandibular premolars are most commonly selected, which have been shown as the best replacement for lost maxillary incisors. The best results are expected if the root of the transplanted tooth has reached between 50 and 75% of its development, and the preservation of a healthy periodontal ligament of the transplanted tooth is extremely important for the success of this procedure. The survival rate of transplanted teeth is high, and the results can be predicted with relatively high certainty. Complications that may occur are pulp necrosis, tooth root resorption, and ankylosis. This method is most often chosen for treatment of young patients because it does not interfere with growth and development and provides satisfactory aesthetic and functional results. The aim of this case report is to present the success of tooth autotransplantation as a possible therapeutic method in the treatment of complications caused by dental trauma. A second mandibular left premolar was transplanted to the site of the trauma affected maxilar central incisor. Two years later, clinical and radiological examination of the transplanted tooth showed no signs of pathology. Pathological mobility was not observed, the gingiva was neat, and the contour of the alveolar ridge was preserved. The patient is satisfied with the aesthetic results and the function of the transplanted tooth. With proper indication setting and surgical technique, tooth autotransplantation is a successful therapeutic method in restoring teeth when prosthetic or implant therapy are contraindicated due to incomplete growth and development of the patient.
Databáze: OpenAIRE