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Ugradnja dentalnih implantata, kakve danas poznajemo, počela je kada je profesor P. I. Branemark razvio titanski glatki implantat u obliku vijka te razvio koncept oseointegracije 60-ih i 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća. Otad pa do danas razvijaju se i unaprjeđuju, a zajedno s njima i radiološke metode i uređaji. Tijekom cijelog procesa ugradnje i kontrole ugrađenih implantata koristi se dvodimenzionalnim i trodimenzionalnim tehnikama snimanja. Obje tehnike imaju široku primjenu i u predimplantološkom planiranju i u postimplantološkoj kontroli. Za planiranje ugradnje dentalnih implantata velika se prednost daje CBCT-u kao trodimenzionalnoj tehnici snimanja zbog mogućnosti prikaza tri dimenzije te snimanja u više slojeva. Prateći softveri omogućuju precizno mjerenje svih anatomskih struktura, označivanje vitalnih struktura te virtualni prikaz ugradnje implantata. Nedostatak je visoka cijena te više doze zračenja nego kod modernih digitalnih ortopantomografa. Digitalni ortopantomogrami imaju manje doze zračenja te puno nižu cijenu, pa su stoga pristupačniji za svakodnevni rad. Njihove su manjkavosti nedostatak treće dimenzije, distorzija slike te nemogućnost preciznog mjerenja anatomskih struktura. Zbog svega toga planiranje je ugradnje implantata samo s dvodimenzionalnom slikom otežano, no njima se zato češće koristi tijekom kontrole ugrađenih implantata. Dental implants have been used and placed ever since Professor P. I. Branemark developed titanium smooth, screw – like, implant. He also developed the concept of osseointegration in the 60s and 70s last century. Till today, dental implants are being developed and improved along with the radiology methods and devices. During the process of placing and controlling placed dental implants two - dimensional and three - dimensional radiology methods are used. Both techniques have wide purpose: in the phase of pre implant planning as well as in the phase of post implant controlling. Great advantage for the planning of placing the dental implants is given to CBCT for its three - dimensional radiology technique and the possibility to present three dimensions and several layers. Accompanied software enables precise measurement of all anatomical structures, marks all vital structures and virtual display of placing implants. The downsides of this technique are high prices and higher radiation dozes compared to those in modern digital ortopantomographs. Digital ortopantomograms have lower radiation dozes and much lower price which make them much more accessible for every day work. Their downsides are lack of third dimension, picture distortion and impossibility to measure precisely anatomical structures. The planning of implant placing with with only two- dimensional image is much more difficult because of that, but they are much more used for controlling placed implants. |