Kronična opstrukcijska plućna bolest i Covid-19

Autor: Križanović, Iva
Přispěvatelé: Somborac Bačura, Anita
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Kronična opstrukcijska plućna bolest (KOPB) je učestala plućna bolest, koja se smatra najčešćim uzrokom mortaliteta u svijetu iza kardiovaskularnih i malignih bolesti. Stoga je važno istražiti utječe li ta bolest na rizik zaraze s novim koronavirusom SARS-CoV-2 i kliničke ishode koronavirusne bolesti COVID-19. S obzirom da obje bolesti zahvaćaju respiratorni trakt, svrha ovog preglednog diplomskog rada bila je utvrditi postoji li međusobna povezanost između KOPB-a i bolesti COVID-19. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su istražiti jesu li bolesnici koji boluju od KOPB-a pod povećanim rizikom od zaraze sa SARS-CoV-2, kako ta bolest utječe na kliničke ishode, može li se kod bolesnika s KOPB-om nastaviti s propisanom terapijom ili je treba modificirati te ispitati važnost edukacije bolesnika s KOPB-om o pridržavanju mjera zaštite od COVID-19 infekcije. Trenutno nije potvrđeno da su bolesnici s KOPB-om pod povećanim rizikom od zaraze sa SARS-CoV-2, ali je utvrđeno da postoji veća stopa hospitalizacija i mortaliteta. Bolesnici s KOPB-om trebaju nastaviti s propisanom terapijom i ako se zaraze sa SARS-CoV-2 zato što nije dokazano da upotreba tih lijekova utječe na tijek COVID-19 infekcije. Pridržavanje zaštitnih mjera u vrijeme visoke prevalencije COVID-19 infekcije je ključno kako bi se smanjio rizik infekcije i kako bi bolesnici s KOPB-om očuvali svoje zdravlje. Liječnici i ljekarnici se trebaju što više uključiti u edukaciju pacijenata, upozoriti ih na povećano širenje virusa kod upotrebe inhalatora i provođenja testova poput spirometrije te trebaju biti dostupni pacijentima na razne alternativne načine pošto se liječenje pacijenata uživo svelo na minimum. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common lung disease that is considered the leading cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease and malignancies. Therefore, it is important to investigate whether this disease increases the risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 and what are the clinical outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Since both diseases affect the respiratory tract, the purpose of this review diploma thesis was to determine whether there is an interrelationship between COPD and COVID-19 disease. The main objectives of this diploma thesis were to investigate whether COPD patients are at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, how this disease affects clinical outcomes, whether prescribed therapy can be continued or should be modified in COPD patients, and the importance of educating COPD patients about protective measures against COVID-19. Currently, it is not clear whether COPD patients are at higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection; however, it is confirmed that there is a higher rate of hospitalisation and death. COPD patients should continue prescribed COPD therapy even if they have COVID-19 because it is not confirmed that taking these medications changes the clinical outcomes of COVID-19 infection. Protective measures are very important in times of higher prevalence of COVID-19 because they reduce the risk of infection and help COPD patients maintain their health. Physicians and pharmacists should educate patients and warn them about increased spread of the virus when using inhalers and performing tests such as spirometry. Health care workers should be available to patients in a variety of alternative ways as patient care has been minimized in the doctor’s office.
Databáze: OpenAIRE