AstroGarden of Roma Tre University: From presence to online tour

Autor: A. Postiglione, I. De Angelis, M. Di Blasi
Přispěvatelé: Postiglione, A., De Angelis, I., Di Blasi, M.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The transition of teaching activities to online mode, forced by the Covid-19 emergency, had also positive aspects, as it pushed to create new contents and use new approaches. An example is represented by our experience at the Department of Mathematics and Physics of Roma Tre University, where we had to revolutionize an activity we carried on countless times over the years: the guided visit to our astronomical garden, the AstroGarden. In this paper, we analyze the new approach we used especially regarding the activities with the so-called oriented globe, the different audiences we reached and the positive feedback we received.
Databáze: OpenAIRE